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Congratulations. Lots of good advice here

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:00 pm
by boatbuster
As for rolling in whatever size rapid, it is for me 90+ percent mental. I have to remember to stay in the boat because I learned to paddle before people rolled canoes and the instinct for a while was to kick away. Another observation about tucking forward. It not only helps you get oriented but protects you since your PFD and back of your helmet will be exposed to rocks and not your face, until you set up to roll. You are right to avoid hanging down under the boat because in that position you risk getting pinned against the back deck, face down, in shallow water which is something none of us wants to experience!

Finally, from the forward deck position, try this: Cock your shaft hand forward as you sweep the paddle around. I have found this helps to automatically drag the paddle to the surface.

I still have a lot of mental work to do but have had enough combat rolls in bigger rapids to know how much it beats swimming!

This is supposed to be under the canoe rolling post

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:03 pm
by boatbuster
Administrators could you move this? Thanks


Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:59 pm
by adamin
We can move a post to a different forum, but not in to another sub-post.

Your best bet is to copy and paste it into a new reply under the correct message, then go back and delete your original post (you can edit and delete your own posts, but not other folks).