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any (north?) idaho c1ers here?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:38 pm
by oopsiflipped
I'm thinking about getting a kayak and converting it to c1. I'd like help with the outfitting and learning how to hardboat. I've been paddling a shredder s1 style and would like to step up to a boat i can learn to roll and even have an offside stroke.

I think roll sessions are starting up at the UI pool soon and I'm hoping to get a boat set up in the next month or so. Any help would be swell!


Not Many C-Boaters in North Idaho

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:29 am
by Marc Evans

I assume that you are in the Moscow, ID area. There are very few C-boaters that I know of in the area. A couple of open boaters in Pullman, WA, and a few in Moscow, ID. There are a couple of folks who apparently run C1's. I've not met either, but was told that there is one at NRS and one in the outdoor program at U of I.

Check at the U of I kayak pool sessions. WSU has a couple of sessions, but they are not C-friendly. The U of I folks are quite friendly. You will only see kayakers in the pool unless I'm there. I'll be bringing my Fink over for practice. Lots of practice. The dates for the pool sessions are:

OPEN KAYAK POOL SESSIONS, UI Swim Center, April 4, 18, 25, 7-9:30 pm, $3 (pay at the pool).

Take advantage of the pool sessions, because this is it until fall. Maybe I'll see you there


Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:59 pm
by oopsiflipped

Yep, Moscow, ID. I'll definitely be at the pool sessions. Even if I don't have my own boat, I have a friend with an H3 and an RPM(?) outfitted as C1's and he has offered to let me use one at the pool or on the Lower Potlatch.
Hope I can learn to roll or it'll be a long day when i try and canoe the Lochsa! HA!