msims wrote:The club is Couriers de Bois, it started as a canoe club... I'm sure there are cboaters, but in terms of numbers, very few! I think because the ottawa is such a great 'play' river it may be overrun moreso with kayaks than other places...
The club's name is ''Coureurs des Bois''.
In Gatineau (Ottawa/Gatineau area) I'm part of Pierre Radisson canot club, there is also Kabek canot club.
We both give class II open boat certifications to about 70-80 people each year.
Our festival on the Gatineau river has close to 1000 paddlers each year of which more then half are open boaters running Class IV rapids.
We'll be in Québec city for our federation's annual outing next weekend. Should be paddling all levels of rivers(II to V) with + or - 300 open boaters
Yes open boating is very strong in la Belle Province, drive around our nation's capital and you will see all sorts of open boats on tons of cars.
I think open boating appeals more then C1 to the masses. C1 seems to be more for advanced paddlers, or people that want to play more then running rivers.
I beleive that the thousands of rivers la belle Province has to offer, the remotness of most of them and the influence of local open boaters like Paul Mason, Mark Scriver, Paul Danks probably explain why it's so logical to paddle an open boat up here and why they're so popular.
Ho yes, and Esquif, ''world's best open boats'' made up here, are probably another factor to take into account.
Open boating is very healthy up here and will continue to be as long as we have dam free rivers and guaranteed access to all of them !
See you in an open boat !