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Any Hornets in the Northeast?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:37 pm
by debzvt
So, as I ponder moving out west and the big water that is there, the thought that keeps going through my mind is, "gee, Deb, you should really think about trying out a C-1". Based on what I've read here (, it sounds like the Hornet is a fabulous boat. I'm 5'5" and my weight varies between 130 & 160 lbs. In a 160 lb year, would the Hornet still work for me, or would I need a "Wide Ride" :o ?

Is there anyone in the Northeast who has a Hornet they would be willing to let me try? I don't have much experience with C-1, so I would really like to try it out on something easy before moving forward with considering purchasing one.


Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:45 pm
by Bob P
You're welcome to borrow mine, but I live in central CT.

I rarely use it, so time is not a factor.

I paddled the Grand Canyon in it when I weighed 150 lbs and it was no problem at all. (Actually the Canyon trip was the reason that I designed the boat...)

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:05 am
by sbroam
I paddled one at 225# (intended for a GC trip I missed) and it handled me fine - such a nice forgiving, comfortable, and *fast* boat... Can't keep them all, though...


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:12 am
by adamin
I have one down in Queensbury, NY (near Lake George) you can certainly borrow for a bit if you'd like. I'm 150-160, and a great weight for it IMhO. If you happen down this way, I have *a few* other boats on hand as well, and Sara and I live on a flatwater section of the Hudson - you (and anyone else!) are welcome to come by and just check out (paddle) the different boats.

e-mail or PM me (links below) if you'd like to do either.

If traveling is an issue for any reason, I do get to Milton / Burlington on occasion, and may get up there in a month or so, and could haul the boat up with me.

Bob P is the one to discuss the boat with design wise - it's his design:).


Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:31 am
by debzvt
Thanks to all for your helpful responses, and to Bob & adamin for your offers to allow me to try your boats. The earliest weekend I could try one out is July 28th. I'll PM both of you to discuss details and figure out which option (NY or CT) make the most sense.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 4:49 am
by ScottBarnes
not as many hornets as us W.A.S.P.s in the northeast. (sorry I'm usually very good but I just could not resist that one)


Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:04 pm
by jim gross
Isn,t that boat a narrowed cascade design?? I bought one early in my C-1 carreer and was board in a month (cascade) But i did opt for one for a mexico trip. Because of volume primarily. Althought it doesn,t hold a line that great in a creek it does ok in big water. I would bet with an inch or two removed it would track alot better. JIM

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:27 pm
by Bob P
It's been quite a while, but I believe I removed 2" from the width and 1.5" from the seam line. It's a very fast boat: My slalom time in it was almost identical to my race boat.


Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:01 pm
by Mike W.
I caught Bob on a trip South one Thanksgiving several years ago. He met me at the river & let me try his Hornet. I was paddling a Cascade at the time & was amazed at the difference in speed :D & overall performance. I know my weight was less than it is now, I'm guessing ~180ish. It was also my 1st time in glass. I've been converted as I only own one plastic boat now 8)

c boaters in Utah

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:47 pm
by vann evans
Hi Deb,
I was just about to respond to your earlier post about Hornets when I saw this post---double answer. My wife and I have 2 hornets-both located in Utah. we live in chapel Hill, NC but have a good friend that lives in Moab, Utah. we have done several Utah and "out west "paddling trips, so left the boats(and skirts) with her. If you get to Maob(about 4 hours from salt Lake) you are welcome to try the boats. Our friend is a raft guide and paddler(k-1) extrodinaire. she used to live in Salt Lake and has lots of connections there and everywhere. she moved to Moab about 2 years ago to be closer to action. Feel free to conatact me and I will pass on her contact info.

Now, Hornets. We have paddled them for several years and love them. They are indeed a cut down Cascade. they are light, stable and fast. I am 175# and my wife is 135#-both weights are fine. the boat is responsive and surfs well, rolls easily and in general a very nice c-1.

Hope this helps-

Vann Evans