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US NAtionals Pics

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:31 pm
by natbla
Yesterday was awsome to behold. I'll be posting a full report on my webblog later. But in the meantime here is a linlk to the 100 pic I took before I ran out of batteries. THe pictures are heavy on C-1s and C-2s. ... mNationals


Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:27 am
by TomAnon
Great pics Nathan!

Did you see how the scoreboard got stuck on

"C-1 Ditty"

It was great to see all the C-Boaters past and present.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:54 am
by JFD
I would have enjoyed that a lot more had my time been a bit faster! Fun race, it was good to meet Isaac and some other folks. Tom's son did a great job, and Alden also had 2 very good runs. I guess I'll try again next year...

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:02 am
by sbroam


Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:47 pm
by Alden
Great race, great race. I entered the bottom of the course on the first run in my usual lactic daze, barely aware of my actions, but I was lifted up by the cheers of the crowd on both sides calling my name. Just a good vibe all weekend. Would Charlotte have let us drink and have a cookout in the parking lot like that? I loved it (I haven't had "sweet corn" all summer.) Of course, there was one thing missing (other than everyone who CHICKENED OUT on racing -- you know who you are!) But the fact remains that Lamar Sims was not there, and he's the best announcer in the business. In fact, he's the Pat Summerall of slalom -- it just feels like a bigger race if he's there. Matt filled in pretty well on the bullhorn and in fact may be a comedic genius (I can't quite tell). My vision of perfection I think would be Matt and Lamar, after several beers each, announcing US Team Trials next year.

That is all.


I like that pic too

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 12:59 pm
by natbla
That is a nice picture though I'm more partical to a few of the picts from gate 10 - the flush upstream gate below "C"

It was nice getting to meet you Alden.

Tom- Casey did himself well out there too. I hope he comes back down for the Giant Slalom on the 17th again.

I wasn't particularly impressed with the announcing either, but hey - everything can't be perfect the first time out of the gate - otherwise what would there be to shoot for at next year's Nationals?

That score board was the bane of our existance. Keech and I were working on getting it to work right less than 2 hours before the raft racing started, and it still gave us fits at least twice during the day.

Still overall it was a success. I'll be very interested to see what kindo f crowds we get for Freestyle Nationals next month when the summer tourists are gone.

I did a quick count of people spectating on the bottom half of the course up to the ampitheater and came up with roughly 500 in that section so my guess is that we had roughly 1,000 spectators at the event for the full time.

Oh yeah quick plug - we are back in action this Friday night with a Freestyule event. At this point I think we'll have it at Feature "A" hope to see peole there! Yes I will be putting up another post about it later too :)



Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:49 pm
by Darrick
Any videos of the event?

Darrick :D

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:24 pm
by C1Dub
The scoreboard got stuck on J.Ditty and others periodically because either the dam rented thing quit recieving transmissions or we weren't getting the scores fast enough from the judges to post.

That was what I was doing instead of racing Alden, helping with timing, scoring and running the scoreboard. I decided I was better at that than racing. Okay I weenied out :oops: , just didn't feel comfortable and wasn't making enough gates in practice. :o Maybe next year . . .
