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9/9 Savage Dam Whitewater Release 9AM to 3PM

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 1:13 pm
by PAC
A whitewater release for Savage River Dam is being scheduled for Sunday September 9, 2007. The whitewater release will extend from 9 AM to 3 PM at a flow rate of about 1000 cfs. Additional details about flow ramping before and after the event will be posted after Labor Day. Please check this site regularly for new information.
Releases from Jennings Randolph Lake and Savage River Dam are made for a variety of purposes. The flow values cited above are the expected releases from each dam and may be increased or decreased without prior notice, depending on changing climatic and hydrologic conditions.

What fun...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 12:59 pm
by PAC
Just a quick FYI on another successful Savage River release - 1000 cfs for 6 hours - so some folks were able to rack up quite a few laps.

Thanks to Adventure Sports Center for picking up the tab for the insurance during the release and to the Adventure Sports Institute of Garrett College for providing the shuttle and everyone else who helped out in making it happen! This includes whoever it was that went in and cut out the strainer(s) prior to release - the boating community appreciates it.

Special thanks goes to New Page/ Luke Paper Co. and D & L Coal Co. for allow the use of their property at the takeout.

AWA ( and ASCI ( are working on gaining access and scheduled releases on the Savage so please contact Paul Gonzalez (Special Projects Coordinator) at ASCI 240-793-5795 ( to see how you can help out with comments and signing petitions.

American Whitewater information on the effort (Thanks to Kevin Colburn):

While the planned August Savage River release had to be canceled due to unusually low inflows, the September release will occur thanks to significant recent rainfall. The release will occur on Sunday, September 9th, from 9am to 3pm, and will be at a volume of 1000cfs. The Savage is one of the premiere whitewater rivers of Western Maryland, and is typically dewatered by an upstream dam.

Managing these releases will require the cooperation of a number of organizations and businesses. New Page / Luke Paper Company and D&L Coal Company, who own the takeout, have graciously agreed to allow public access. Adventure Sports Center International will be taking care of many of the logistics needed to meet the concerns of various parties. The Adventure Sports Institute is running free shuttles.

Local organizers ask that paddlers park at the put in, sign waivers, and then catch the free shuttle at the takeout. There is very limited parking at the takeout. The last release went great, and continued patience with this very new opportunity is greatly appreciated.

These releases are the result of multi-party negotiations between the various agencies in charge of operating the dam, state agencies, anglers, paddlers, and other stakeholders. We would like to thank Larry Lubbers for representing AW and ACA in these negotiations as a volunteer. We would also like to thank Adventure Sports International, the Adventure Sports Institute, New Page / Luke Paper Company, D&L Coal Company, the Upper Potomac River Commission, the Army Corps of Engineers, Precision Rafting, and the Maryland State Police, for making this season's releases a great success.

Please enjoy these rare paddling opportunities and be careful out there. The Savage is likely impacted by flow regulation in a manner that encourages vegetation to encroach into the river channel. We hope that these releases will go well and lead to many years of enjoyment of the Savage.

The 2007 release schedule for Savage River Dam has been posted on the public website: This page also includes three day projections for daytime release rates for Jennings Randolph Lake and Savage River Dam. Scroll down to find the recreational release schedule.
Paul C.

PS: I beleive a Jimi stick OC1 was misplaced somewhere on the run and if found please return it or post its finding and contact info.


Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:38 pm
by Jim P

Thanks for giving our victim a ride back to the top and bandaging him up! He felt much better once we got back to the putin.

Yes - the stick is still missing. A hike is planed for later this week.

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 6:28 pm
by PAC
No problem on giving your "victim" a shuttle and first aid. You boys really should be more careful what you do to your token kayakers. :wink: Actually it was nice to see the pod of OCers making sure he was okay - looks like a tight group. 8)
Tell the "victim" (not that you'll be calling him that from now on :) ) that I asked about him and hope he is okay.
Bummer on the stick - we looked for it the balance of our run but without luck. Hope it turns up.
Paul C.

Stick found!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:35 pm
by Jim P
almost a year later and I get a call today. Stick found Sunday in debris pile. Supposedly still looks like new!

So Paul - hope remains for all missing sticks!


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:38 am
by PAC
Well now that is good news! I an't believe it just popped out now! 8)
I hear there were a few lose paddles on Sunday but having a Jimi stick get a year of "down time" and then show up is truly a blessed event! :wink:

On a simular note..... from this Monday's (Labor Day) teaching kayaking and C1ing....
1.) One of my group (13 year boy) lost a paddle (loaner) on the Loop yesterday towards the end of Entrance. May have travelled lower (Cuccumber, etc.). Was pinned at rock but lost sight of it while pulling swimmer to shore. Black shaft and white blades. Phone number should be legible. Returning it if found would be greatly appreciated.
2.) Found paddle on loop yesterday (floated up as we we're live baiting the rocks for the paddle lost above). If you can describe it it will be returned - it has tell tail stickers on it. It has been beat by the river but still functions. Unfortunately no name or phone number on it. I will point up this stick was an upgrade for the boy! :) Shortly afterwards he nailed his first combat roll!
The river gods taketh away and the river gods giveth back.

Paul C.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:34 am
by Kelly-Rand
Hey Paul,
next time your on the Savage be on the look out for a size 12 side zip boot. It was lost somewhere above Memorial Rock. Walt and I took the Sunset Dreamsicle down Sunday and had a great time while it lasted. We got up ended in a river right hole above the 'Rock' some distance, that is the only way to go at half the flow but in this case stopped our fast runnin C2 dead in it's tracks. We had a long swim with a lot of under water time before finding a shore eddy. Boat was brought to shore below Memorial and with some help from other boaters we got it back and out. Met one of the previous owners on the river too, but I was disappointed as he had reverted to the training blades for this run. He was surprised to see the old boat in use. We did a 3:30 run of the LY on Monday in the C2 and had a great time doing jet ferries below Cucumber.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:59 pm
by PAC
will do!

We just missed you on the Loop - taking off as you were putting on. Oh well next time! Paul C.