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It's A Boy!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:19 pm
by Not Elvis
Uncle Not Elvis cannot contain his excitement any longer. St. Pete and Ann Martin welcome to the world a baby boy. I thought it would have been cooler to welcome a grown boy to the world and had him out for winter roll sessions, but St. Pete and Ann are going to do things their way...

Elvis Sweet McEwan Lugbill Hearn Martin was born last night with all fingers and toes accounted for. He spent his first few moments by mom's side with fists clenched in true C-Stick fashion. Dad couldn't be prouder. Length, beam, rocker and freeboard specs will be issued shortly.

In the spirit of hands-off parenting, St. Pete has already decided that freewill shall reign over his boy--he can choose between OC1 -OR- C1 as the whitewater craft of choice. 8)

While anxiously awaiting the release of mom and the boy, St. Pete and I dicscussed what would be considered "too early" to take the boy out--should he be able to hold up his head, or since he'll likely be laying down on the deck plate, does it matter?

Any possible errors I may have generated in my excitement will surely be corrected by St. Pete at some point...

Well now...

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:33 pm
by PAC
Congrads to the family and relatives that is truly great news.
Guessing here that Pete will be holding onto that pint sized OC for a while now.
Looking for more details and photos of course! Let the Martin clan know we wish them well and suggest they start collecting tiny paddling gear immediately! Paul C.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:53 pm
by Sir Adam
Congratulations to them from all of us at I know I've been talking about getting more young folks interested in paddling, it's good to see someone implementing their own ideas so quickly :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:20 pm
by Mike W.

He can boat now. Just wrap him up & lay him in the bow of the OC 8) Should probably wait a bit to run the falls though :wink:

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:22 pm
by sbroam
Make sure mom knows that the gentle rocking motion of a canoe is a cure-all for colic and a sure fire way to get junior to sleep. Congratulations to mom, pop, and uncle.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:47 pm
by KNeal
That is a great post, J.! :D Thanks for sharing that with us and congrats to you and your brother and sister-in-law for having your nephew. :wink:

You can mount a bunch of minicell foam for flotation to the car seat and place it in an open canoe and away y'all go for a merry paddle on the river! :) Ellen and I have discussed MANY different ways we can get our little (now, 21 months old) girl on the river--that was one of the early ideas. The BIGGEST concern with "junior" is keeping his body nice and comfy and warm when you're out. Where to paddle is a secondary consideration. 8)

God bless,

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:58 pm
by Walsh
Congrats all - that's great news.

The kid's already served as a shuttle bunny (in utero, of course) at Tandemonium I. It's nowhere but up for the kid.

p.s. I expect him to be paddling bow by Tandemonium VI.

New C-boater in Training

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:12 am
by Riverscout
Xander was born on 11/13/07. At 7lbs and 20.5" he appears to have the appropriate proportions to make a fine c-boater. As soon as the Wife/Shuttlebunny and I work out the details as to when Uncle J. "Not Elvis" and I can introduce this little guy to boating he will be seen on the river. Until then he will have to wait at the takeouts with mom and learn all of the poor social skills of c-boaters from shore. There is no doubt that he will be well taken care of when he finally hits the river. Thanks to all of you for the well wishes and we will c-you all on the river.


Paddle custom built by Guth especially for Xander!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:01 am
by michielv
Congratulations! It looks like Xander will have a great time with his lovely shiny paddle ;)

Perhaps this is also a nice way of getting Mom in the boat so she can share the paddling with her son too?




Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:28 pm
by DaveM

I'm not sure who is more excited you guys or Jay.

Take Care Hope to see everyone soon...D. Miller