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Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:45 pm
by c1swim
Wednesday 90 degrees, Thursday 36 Fahrenheit.
When do I need to worry about my new to me wood gunwhaled
and royalex boat? and what exactly needs to be done?
Thanks for your advise. I truely dislike a front without rain.
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:08 pm
by Open Gate
Cold non issue. I've surfed up here in -15c(+3F or so) on Ottawa's Champlain bridge in mid about BRRRR...
Had to rest in the eddy to melt the ice on our dry suites in the end to unzip. Also had to break the ice built up on our boats regularly while waiting in the eddy, boats got too heavy(water that splashed on it while playing froze up and kept building up) and the ends would sink while playing, flushing us off the feature
So pretty much been in the worst cold you can imagine, many times per month and never had a problem with wood or Royalex.
UV rays are way more damageable then the cold. At least tarp those boats !
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:14 pm
by joat
If you are talking about storage, here is a link to a similar topic on
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 5:35 pm
by bearboater
our royalex is in a shed. Bill, i would be more concerned with contraction/expanding than anything else. i have heard of people unscrewing the end few screws, and loosening up the middle ones a bit to allow room for contraction on the royalexs' part. workout 3 days ago was -9 F (-23 C)... it was wicked cold. and I forgot that I didn't have a latex neck gasket... unfortunately, I could have used it trying a couple of moves...
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:39 pm
by c1swim
Sure, I didn't mean to imply that 38' is cold, although it is for south Texas. I was worried about the 50 degree drop overnite and the contraction rates of royalex vs. ash. So, I pulled my boat in the house. I'm divorced, so it wasn't an issue. I'll
be boating all winter,hopefully, so again I won't really be "storing" the boat. Just was wondering about all that screw loosening stuff. I don't really want to pull this one boat in the house everytime
the temp. drops. Any advise?
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 6:50 pm
by bearboater
if you can, I would just remove a few on the ends, and then loosen the rest slightly. I think that if it is not a commom affair, you would be fine. but if it happens all of the time, i would loosen the screws. I don't know texas winters...
was the rest of the year as wet as the spring was down there?
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:15 pm
by c1swim
Well, It rained all summer also, more rain than we've had for years. It was great! However, it hasn't rained since august and by the end of sept. all the lakes were down to their conservation levels. So, the only thing running is the spring-fed
SanMarcos river. So, park-n-play or nothing. Oh, by the way.... FINKEN-FUN ! love it, thanks.
SanMarcos River
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:29 pm
by CDawg
How is the SanMarcos River? If a person were in San Antonio would it be a good trip to make? I get to SA a few times a year, but I've never been boating in TX.
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:33 pm
by philcanoe
it really doesn't get colder in Austin than North AL or TN, and no one unscrews anything here....38's a nice day, just getting far between these last 2-3 years (still-drought)
what about Longhorn, will it be running in the afternoon(s)?
Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:12 pm
by bearboater
I'm glad you are enjoying the boat.
I wish I could have kept that boat, I have seen some sweet creeks out in NC, and I think that would have been the perfect boat for them...
I'll have to stick to slalom until I can find something else...
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:40 pm
by c1swim
Isaac, yes, the Fink is great, I can't believe how quick it is, and it turns so well. Plus, it's a waterfall machine. It is a little quirky, but so much better than any of the conversions I've done. I let Ben try it at the San Marcos play-park(did you see the ad in Paddler? funny) and he loved it. He was making attainments in it and really shredding those waves.
I had a difficult time getting him out of it.
CDawg, The San Marcos is spring-fed, a constant 72 degrees and always runs. However, in its 3 mile length, before joining the Blanco, there are only man-made rapids. The 3 drop play-park
(Shipley designed) that replaced the old Rio Vista dam, and 2 dam-made waterfalls 6ft and 20ft. Both runnable and fun. 40miles N. of SA. The best part, not really rain dependent, girls in bikinis, cold in summer, warm in winter. Let me know when you're here. There are lots of creeks and high volume rivers class III - V; but, rain dependent. And, a few dam release runs. If you can't bring a boat, I have several.
Philcanoe, Thanks, that's what I was looking for. It rarely get below freezing, but often drops 50-60degrees overnite. And, yes, Longhorn runs regularly as irrigation schedules demand, usually in the afternoon. One wave/hole depending on gate configurations and water demands. The best part, 2.5miles from my driveway. Phil, if you know Austin, Barton Creek ran most of the summer.( a great 7mile, class III run in the middle of town, but the canyon walls make it feel isolated)