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Canadian rivers info

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:23 pm
by Doug McKnight
Is there a similar site for Canadian WW like the US AW site?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:57 pm
by Open Gate
Dedicated to C is pretty good WW forum though.

Covers eastern Canada and a lot of paddlers come from our nation's capital (Ottawa/Gatineau region) which is where tons of top notch paddlers come from, due to rivers like Ottawa, Gatineau, Rouge and many other geems that flow almost year round(ice pending...)
Paddlers from east and west coasts post often and answers to BC creeks for example are always answered. is a Quebec site with water levels and river descriptions, you'll have to keep your English-french dictionnary nearby though since it's all in french, but then again, PM me specific questions and I'll be happy to transalte for you !



Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:57 pm
by msims
Nope. Not sure what areas you're looking for, but here are a few that I'm aware of.

There's a couple good ones that come to mind, others please add: - By far the most comprehensive Canadian site, with great information. Maintained by cboats' Jan Demeter. - Has a list of Major runs in Southern Ontario/Southwestern Quebec that are popular for paddlers - More detail of "Hwy 7" Runs of Southern ontario, with great photos... Note: most of these rivers only go off in the spring. - Canadian Canoe Routes. Mostly Flatwater, but they do cover some of the more 'tripping-whitewater' runs. Like most flatwater canoeists, ripples are described as CLASS 2 and anything with a rock in the middle is Class 4+

Those are the ones I know, there are possibly more.

A couple more...

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 5:41 pm
by bradk For Alberta & BC for northwestern ontario

Thank you for the info

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 7:56 pm
by Doug McKnight
The reason I'm asking is I am thinking of going to Palmer Fest and realize I don't know much about the area. I know of course the names of the famous water in the area but know little of the rapids and optimal water levels to expect. Plus being here in Indiana, West Virginia and Tennessee are both about 8hrs away, so whats a couple more if I go NE and check out whats across the boarder. Thanks again Doug

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 10:24 pm
by msims

Paddle the Madawaska, (Upper, Lower, Middle) all about 1/2 hr max from Palmer Rapids. Oh, you can goof around at palmer too...

Some dude named Eran Andrechuck posted a lot of articles about these rivers,... You might be able to find his trip reports on the net... I searched but couldnt find em.

Paddle the Ottawa
-- is a great description of the Ottawa R.

That's a good weekend's worth :-)

I'd say there'd be a healthy contingent of cboats boaters there, post if you're coming...

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:17 pm
by Scal
If you ever get to Quebec rivers

Info on many Quebec rivers with pix... some openboaters

The Quebec kayak and canoe federation

Many pfd maps of Quebec rivers with some other rivers

Festival d'eau vive de la Haute-Gatineau one of the biggest WW festival in Quebec

And of course like Gaetan pointed out Myosis is great for river description and water level.

Maybe you already have some of this info... If you need any help with translation let me know.
