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Future of C-Squirt

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:24 pm
by amollohan99
Although I am still a novice at c-squirting, after practicing my roll in some flat here in VA (was 55 F today, 65 for Wed.), my daughter was very intersted in the acro. i asked of she wanted to sit in it and she said yes. Then I ran an d got her paddle and I couldn't resist. Note the beginings of that low brace, good instincts.
[img] ... otostream/[/img]

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:32 pm
by amollohan99
I think I did that wrong, but if youre really interested type it in I guess. oh or go here ... otostream/ ... 0/sizes/l/

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:05 am
by sbroam
You can't start them too early!

[img] ... oatBoy.jpg[/img]

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:38 am
by michielv
Great to see her having so much fun in a boat :D

BTW: I noticed your images are not protected. My wife is very active on flickr too (she's a hobby photographer) and she told me that there are people ripping off other people's photo's and posting them as their own. To prevent that it is possible to activate some setting so Flickr puts an empty image over your pictures so other people cannot save them by right-clicking their mouse etc.

This photo theft happened to a friend mine as well so I know for sure it happens.

Might be worth looking into, just to protect what's yours.



Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:02 pm
by Bob P
Unfortunately, it's basically impossible to prevent people from stealing screen images. All they need to do is capture the screen, either entirely or the specific area. The only way to make things more difficult is to watermark the image or put a "Property of..." in a corner.