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OC / C fest in Ottawa area

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:01 pm
by Open Gate
Hey all,

I was asking on another thread if any one would be insterested in a OC/C(not Orange County Choppers...) fest in the Ottawa area in August / september when nothing else is running and our water is still warm. I realize that to get the proper attention I should've started a new thread for this. So here it is.

Following is a cut and paste of the message.

''I've organized the Quebec federation of canoe and Kayak annual outing a few years ago.

We had a base camp on the Ottawa and ran from there both sections of the Ottawa(CII-IV), The Petawawa town run(CIII-IV), the Noir(CII), The Coulonge(CII-III) and going back east on the last day(we're located west of the province) people ran the Petite Nation(CII-III) and Rouge(CII-IV)...

In all we had food, camping, music, shuttles and river guides for 160 Open boaters for 3 days...our canoe club ''Pierre Radisson'' is set up for this...

Would any one be interested in a long weekend of paddling in the Ottawa region. Sometimes when the water is warm and nothing else is running August - Septemberish ?


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 5:02 pm
by Al Greve
It sounds like it could be a great time. Liz and the girls will be living in Ottawa this summer as the girls will be training at the Pump House. Other than the Canadian Nationals in Jonquiere Aug 15-17 and the week proceeding those and races as they'll train in Jonquiere. I'm thinking we could get out for some of the activites.

Ottawa OC/C fest

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:30 am
by Plumbpass
Hi Gaetan.

I think this sounds like a great idea! I'd be interested.


Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:47 pm
by Dooleyoc-1
My two cents would be to have it the week after the open canoe nationals. In fact everyone will already be there for the Nationals. I'm sure there will be armadas heading down the Ottawa and Gat on the Monday-Wednesday after nationals.

I will be there and I'm looking forward to surfing Garb for the first time. I'm also looking forward to paddling the Gat.

Good Timing !

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 12:27 pm
by Open Gate

Timing couldn't be better, Gatineau River fest is the 22,23,24 of august :D !

Have you ever paddled with 100's of open boats ??? 8)

I could meet you guys in Ottawa, on the 22nd take you there(1,5 hrs drive). Party with 500 paddlers (more then 1/2 with one blade) 2 days in Maniwaki. Then back on the Ottawa river banks(2hrs drive), at River Run ... verrun.htm
and run The main and middle channels. See if there's enough water in the Petawawa river (1 hr drive)

The rouge is 3hrs drive from there...Dooley you could hit it coming back from Jonquière, it's on you path

If there's a will and the level is appropriate we'll go ! This is a smaller river,at low level it's a bit bony, ledges are fun though and water falls at the end runnable when very low 8)

The Noir and Coulonge are easier rivers and require long shuttle set up. Unless there is a need, I would skip on these 2.

How does that sound ?

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:21 pm
by wetnobby
As one of the prompters for starting this thing....Thanks for the invitation, I would love to come and paddle over there at some point this year....
However the last three weekends in August see's the ICF "World Cup" being staged at 3 different european countries, so unfortunately I will not be able make those dates.... :(

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:12 pm
by Open Gate
We'll be in the water all spring / summer / fall. We can take you there and show you the rivers any time :D (1,5hrs away from home)

When would it suite you ?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:15 pm
by wetnobby
Thanks for that I appreciate it, the best time for me would probably be early July.
I expect I would combine it with a work trip to the US and booking some vacation while I am that side of the water...
Is that any good...?


Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:17 pm
by Open Gate
Timing is great, we leave for a 11 day expedition on the Coulonge the 19th of July but before that my schedule is opened.

Let me know when you get close to Ottawa, we'll take it from there :D

That goes for all you C boaters BTW. If you need someone to show you the roads and rivers in our great white water region (Ottawa - Gatineau) don't be afraid to ask, we got tons of ressources.


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:53 pm
by detonator
when and where are the open canoe nationals??


Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:48 pm
by Al Greve
Minden Ontario Gull River, Aug 1st-3rd.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:12 am
by cmnypny
Al Greve wrote:Minden Ontario Gull River, Aug 1st-3rd.
FYI .. it is a slalom race.

If I think Detonator is who I think it is he might think it's a freestyle rodeo.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:17 am
by cmnypny
I think we should just say WTF and head over to the Ottawa right after nationals and have our own open boat festival and irritate all the double bladders out there with a huge Armada.

Monday the 4th is a holiday here in Ontario and there will be lots of double bladers to annoy.

I would be in for that!

How about you Dooley feel like showing up the double bladers on Phils, Babyface, Garb, and Pushbutton?

I will have the camera as I have no real boating skills when it comes to surfing!

Anyone else?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:04 am
by msims
Count me in :-) My local river, yo.

BTW Open Gate lives up to the legend of Quebec Open boaters... "these guys from Quebec are (*&$% crazy!" ;-)

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:30 am
by Dooleyoc-1

I'll be there for sure on the monday and tuesday after nationals. I'm looking forward to checking Garb out.