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A thank you and a couple questions

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:49 pm
by Lars
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here. In trying to decide if I wanted to buy a Prelude or not, I searched past forums and found a wealth of infomation. Everything I read and found pertaining to the Prelude convinced me to go out and buy one...and I did. I managed to find a brand new Prelude right off the show room floor.
The infiiting went pretty smooth, mostly due to all the infomation I found on this site. However, I have two questions now...
1. Side wall foam that attaches to the thigh neccessary is it and do I really need it? I'm 6'4'' around 190 ish. I found that it made a really tight fit and hindred me from spreading my knees to help with stability, so i just left it out. Should I cut it down and put it in?
2. Rolling? The first few rolls went well, however I noticed when there was a fair amount of water in the boat and I rolled to my off side I would get stuck and could not set up my roll on my on side. I tried everything from underwater skulling, snapping my hips and thrusting my torso to set up my roll, but I go not get over. Any suggestions for this?
Once again I just wanted to say thank you for all the infomation everyone here unknowingly supplied and I look forward to any helpful hints and advice.


Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:18 am
by philinasheville
Regarding the roll issue, do you have a transfer tube (or two) at the base of the saddle? It sounds like water may be getting stuck on one side because it cannot pass through to the other side. This would likely cause what you are explaining.


Side wall foam

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:21 am
by Wendy
With my short, but large thighs I have found that it is best to put the foam in without glueing, mark where your thighs touch, then carve this area out to get those knees out as far as possible. When comfy, then I glue it. I have carved it out after gluing, but time consuming.
My 2 cents

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:04 pm
by Lars
Thank you for your replies.
Phil, i do have three transfere tubes in the saddle (I followed Craig's infitting instructions). I guess I just have to be patient and work on it more.
Wendy, Thank you for your "2 cents". I will trace out an area that will allow me to spread my knees and then glue it in.
Thank you for the info., it is very much appreciated.