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Swollen Legs

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:56 am
by CDawg
Swollen Legs: Spent a total of about five or six hours in my boat Fri. & Sat., it's a WS Forplay with a Dagger/Perception saddle. Saddle height is the standard 6 1/2 inches plus the 1/2 inch I added, for a total of seven inches. After arriving home Sat. I noticed that both my legs were badly swollen below the knees including feet and ankles. No blue or purple blotches, just swollen.
MY knees didn't hurt, knees are fine, so I have no intention at this time of raising the saddle. This is my ninth summer of paddling the boat set up like this and I like it, a lot.

So what's the deal? Any doctors in the house? Physicians assistants? Physical therapists? Trainers? C-boaters with an opinion?

Oh, I left out one little detail, I'm 61. That's not 6' 1", that's 61, as in years, and I'm not ready to quit c-boating, so I hope I can conquer this and keep paddling. I'm planning to see and MD tomorrow, but I thought I'd first ask the people who might know more than the doctor.

Thanks in advance for any and all help on this topic. It's pretty dam discouraging and I need to get it worked out.


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:33 pm
by KNeal
Hmm. Get your check ready and make it payable to "Me" 'cause I got $0.02 worth of ideas for you. :D Mind you, there are no substitutes for diagnostics done by a REAL health professional.

Several things came to my mind:
  • - I SERIOUSLY have to get work done today :wink:
    - it could be the kneeling restricted just enough blood flow to allow body fluids to accumulate in the legs (pooling in the legs).
    - Could there be a lymphatic reason for the swelling? That possibility could be reaching, though
    - Crap! I just remembered that I got a LOT of phone calls to make regarding work :x
If it was just restricted blood flow, then activity (walking, running, biking, swimming, etc.) and massage should get fluid build-up down fairly quickly. If the swelling doesn't decrease appreciably each day, it would be wise to follow-up with a REAL MD.

Best of luck,

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:04 pm
by ezwater
:o I'm 65, and when I paddle one of my c-1s, I precede it by a few days of low kneeling while watching TV. When I am paddling, I schedule frequent breaks to get out of the boat. I take aspirin or NSAIDs to decrease the probability of clotting. Though I can no longer run, I do a lot of walking to keep the circulatory system in my legs in good condition. Right now, re-injury to my right medial meniscus is making c-1 kneeling too painful.

The need to take frequent breaks while c-1 paddling has reinforced my habit of boating alone. I simply cannot keep in step with most groups. Open boating goes better, and those bailing and dumping breaks feel good for the knees and ankles.

What you describe by way of swelling *could* be edematous, so you will need to talk to your doctor about it.