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My wife rocks!!!!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 3:38 am
by bellotti
A few weeks ago I noticed a Dagger Mamba 8.5 for sale locally, mentioned it passingly to my wife, thought it was odd to see for sale here (never see whitewater boats listed here in Indiana) and that I had heard they made good C1 conversions. Not even suggesting anything, just casual conversation.
Today I got an early Fathers Day present, that Mamba. :lol: Seriously, how awsome is she!
Of course, I don't think she really understood what a C1 conversion was b/c she started looking at me real strange when I started taking out the K1 outfitting immediately and hacking out a makeshift saddle to see how it fit.
Looks like the backbone in it should be easy to mount a saddle to. Looks like it should be pretty simple to make a bulkhead for too. Came with a nice snapdragon skirt (k1), hopefully I can make that work.
Like I wife rocks!

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:25 am
by kenneth
Happy Father's Day indeed! If the conversion goes well go ahead and submit it to the conversion database (click GO next to "Search Boats" up there in the header and you'll see an Add Conversion button on the left side of that page). That is certainly a nice surprise, congrats. :)

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:14 pm
by KNeal
Yes, happy Father's Day! :D That'll be a fun boat for you.


Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:14 pm
by PAC
Very nice!

I know how you feel - a number of years ago I woke up on Christmas AM to find a brand new Cascade in the living room. Still amazes me that she pulled that off!

Hopefully you'll be extra nice to her in the near future! :wink:

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 4:45 am
by bellotti
Was able to paddle it today on some calm but swift water with a ghetto makeshift saddle. Wow, I wasn't expecting the primary stability to be so good. Tried the saddle at about 6.5", without proper outfitting it was killing me. Went ahead and turned my ghetto saddle sideways making it about 8.5" and found the stability to still be suprisingly exceptional. Now I just need to decide which of the many outfitting routes I've read here to try.

I am a lucky man.