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Sean Chapelle, younger brother of Seth, Ain't Got Nothin'!!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:04 pm
by Not Elvis
Please see original "calling out" post on Monocacy Canoe Club Forum. ... 39037.html

Sean was reached via phone and has bowed out, citing excessive, nearly crushing banter that hurts his feelings and left him feeling "sissyish."

Personally, I believe what happened is that his femme told him to call her "Oh Captain My Captain" and when he refused, her 4'-3" tookus whooped his 8'-4" tookus up one side of Sharpsburg and down the other.

J. "Not Elvis" Robbins


There are two (2) Noah Canoah Amerika C2s available for use at the Armada--maximum weight for the bow person should be no more than 130 lbs, unless they have a good brace. Let me know if anybody wants to borrow one. If not, they will be staying home instead of being watered.

oh yah....

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:56 pm
by PAC
Jay - Please bring the Noah for my daughter (age 9) and I to try out. I'll have a Hydra Duet on board but the Noah would be much more "fun"!

Do I need to bring any extra skirts and such? :-)

As for Sean - Personally I thought it was a tradition that at least one Chapelle attended this event .. kids these days!! I'm sure yakmom and pete are embarrassed.. to say the least!

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:41 pm
by jnorto01
I have it on good authority that Seth will be there.


Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 12:36 am
by Alden
Sean has the most relaxed paddling style I have ever seen.
