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New Longboating Forum!

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:08 pm
by swriverstone
Hi Everyone...

As a longtime C-boater and slalom racer, I've been perpetually dismayed by the explosive popularity and growth of ultra-short freestyle playboats (kayaks, and yes---C1 conversions). Not dismayed because there is anything wrong with short playboats...but because the proliferation of these boats has almost rendered longboats and longboating extinct.

To help promote longboating, I've started a new forum dedicated exclusively to longboating (which includes kayaks, open canoes, and C-boats). The forums are brand-spankin' new, and there's no conversation happening yet. But my hope is that eventually it'll grow into a community of like-minded paddlers.

You might be asking "What exactly is longboating?" In short, it's a style of paddling whitewater in boats that are 10-feet-plus in length. It's also a mindset. Go check out the forum! I've contributed several lengthy posts already (which I've tried to make interesting) about the longboating mindset, longboating techniques, and a rundown of currently available longboats.

Longboating shares much with downriver and slalom racing, but it's not about racing...and it's more than that.

So---without trying to lure members away from this forum (because we can all hang out on more than one forum!)---I hope some of you will come check out and contribute to the Longboating forums as well!

Scott Wilkinson
Harpers Ferry, WV

Re: New Longboating Forum!

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:06 pm
by KNeal
swriverstone wrote:So---without trying to lure members away from this forum (because we can all hang out on more than one forum!)---I hope some of you will come check out and contribute to the Longboating forums as well!

Scott Wilkinson
Harpers Ferry, WV
That statement humors me, Scott. You and Dave M. are the reasons we have this forum in the first place! :D Thank you for what you do to continue the cboating tradition!


Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:26 pm
by swriverstone
Hi Neal! Thanks---but I feel like I've been so out-of-the-loop that I've practically stabbed the C-community in the back! LOL (Hopefully I'll be more in the loop!)

I've been finding myself in Richmond more often lately---PM me your phone number and I'll give you a call next time I'm down---it's been ages since I paddle the James, and it would be fun to get together and do it!


Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:12 pm
by old and in the way
Wow, Scott, that's cool! I would argue; however, that it's not "long" boating, as boats in excess of 10 feet should more properly be considered "normal"... :D

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:02 am
by kenneth
Wow, this is almost too much to comprehend. This is a seriously important history lesson that Scott eludes to. was started by taking Scott's C-Forum data, migrating it to phpBB and giving it its' own domain name (wasn't it an Earthlink address originally?). All of this was done with Scott's blessing, mind you. Adam and I weren't trying to steal away his baby, we had his full cooperation. Gosh, that brings me back...

I'm glad you're still interested in growing the online community and are able to continue expressing your passions! Yay Scott! I've helped out a few boating sites with technical issues and security, feel free to PM me if you need any help, advice, or just want to vent. :)

Good luck!