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Need advice for a "Crash & Burn" or "Bloo

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:50 pm
by PAC
Local Boy Scout group is having a Canoeing Camporee (flat water events) and a request was made to me for some videos to entertain them at night.

So far I have the IR "Are you going to eat that?" DVD which seems to have passed muster as far as content and language.

Any other good "Crash & Burn" or "Bloopers" DVDs I should look at (get loaned)?

The more carnage the better the entertainment factor - the kids are 11 to 17 years in age.

I have some very old bloopers, etc. on VHS but the quality video sux and the equipment is new.

Thoughts and tanks in advance!?!?!? Paul C.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:56 pm
by sbroam
Any internet access out there? Take a laptop and show them some Youtubes.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:06 pm
by PAC
I hear you there Scott but some of the quality is spotty at best.

I was hoping someone had the DVD version of Tsunami Rangers Greatest Hits, or of that like!

Some of that geeze that's cool stuff! 8)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:10 pm
by sbroam
You could prescreen a list of youtubes - you would get a great variety and can filter out the dubya-ous. And it's free. With no shipping. And they get here internetaneously.

There are Tsunami Ranger clips out there, too you geezer. And Hee Haw Jones - don't forget Hee Haw Jones.


Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:12 pm
by Big Al
I can lend you the Paddlesnake double feature dvd - good carnage and lots of open boats.

Whitewater Funhouse

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:36 pm
by Walsh

Get a copy of the Blue Ridge Voyageurs' DVD Whitewater Funhouse. (I might be able to burn you a copy, but I need to check what my 'puter will and won't do.)

It's about 45 minutes of good, clean, G-rated-old-fart-open-boater carnage. Tandems getting munched in Big Nasty and that sort of thing.

In 1990

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:50 pm
by Louie
"Uh Oh and Oh large steaming pile of dog doo" won 1 st place in the comedy catagory at the NPFF in Lexington. 95% open boats.

Just a dam minute

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 8:52 pm
by Louie
Uh Oh and Oh Large steamin pile of dog poop ain't the title "Uh On and Oh Sheit" is as close as I can get with out it bein changes. dam goverment censorship.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:08 pm
by PAC
thanks guys. I looked at doing the youtube thing but that is a bit labor intensive (I can do it but my home desktop will be in labor doing it).
I'll check out Whitewater Funhouse (Walsh if you could burn me a loaner copy :wink: that would be wonderful) - the more canoe action the better! Have to teach these kids the right way of boat'n!!

Louie sorry on the censorship but I have a 10 year girl starting to follow some of the posts and I don't want her becoming a kayaker ("just talking the talk and not paddling the "stuff""!)! 8)

Oh and from now on "snake" will replaced with "adhesive"! Just kidding! :)

Paul C.

Video Idea

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:48 pm
by Not Elvis
What about "We Designed 'Em" which is ALL C-Boats All The Time? I haven't watched my copy for quite some time and can't remember language rating... But since it's mostly Canucks, it can't be that vulgar, dang it.

It's like Weird Al said,

"Always hear the same kind of story
Break their nose and they'll just say "sorry"
Tell me what kind of freaks are that polite?
It's gotta mean they're all up to somethin'"

J, Eh?
Canucks Go Home
"Advancing Diplomacy with our Northern Neighbors"

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:02 pm
by John Coraor
Are you only looking for carnage?

What about throwing in a copy of "Fast & Clean" for variety. It's a slalom classic and, in keeping with the recent Olympics, might just inspire some new C-boating marvel.

If you have trouble getting a copy, Davey & Jennifer Hearn still sell it in both VHS and DVD for $25.


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:06 pm
by PAC
Had my test group (13 and 10 year olds) watch "We design'Em" and it was deemed as okay, but not up to par with what they would be interested in.
I also showed them the 1989 Worlds and Athens Olympics and they liked them but still felt that they were not on par with "Are you going to eat that?". So the more carnage (and bloopers) the better!

Toxic Waters

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:42 pm
by edgar
Try the Toxic Waters DVD. It is not carnage, but above average video, with tons and tons of huge huge drops.

They will be too busy wondering how they survived all that without getting hurt to be bored.

Plus you dont want them thinking we cant hit our lines do you?


Team C

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:46 pm
by Eli
Check out the Team C collection produced by Rick Gusic up in PA. Silent Thunder or Thunderballs should keep them entertained!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 4:03 pm
by PAC
Thanks Eli - unfortunately the rating on that is R++ or at least not something some of the more “ridged” leaders could deal with. :(
I think the boys would be howling.
Rick puts out a funny video (and is an overall nice guy as are the members of the team)! 8)
Definitely a good view for anyone with excellent carnage from paddlers that are NOT afraid to laugh at themselves. Just not boy scouts canoe camporee material!

PS: My kid loves it since he has paddled with most of those knuckle heads! And they can be even funner off camera! :wink: The rule is "Boy what is said on the river stays on the river!".