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Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:32 pm
by Dale Barton
Broke the Gunwhales on my Outrage this weekend. Anyone know where to come up with a new set(wooden), or do I need to have new set milled? dale

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:59 pm
by sbroam
You can get new rails from Mad River (and others), but you will find shipping >= the cost of the gunwales. I think I was quoted something like $40/stick. You might check with Mohawk - they are a lot closer to you.

I've always gotten Ash stock locally and made my own - millwork shops or wood suppliers can get you 16' boards, but if not on hand it might take time (and shipping...) to get it. A millwork shop can shape them if you don't want to take that on.

Search this forum - lots of gunwale talk.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 1:47 am
by ezwater
Check the following link. Good ash gunwales that you epoxy together. Shipping cheaper.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:22 am
by sbroam
Interesting... The last time I bought an ash 1x6x16, it was about $60, but there was a bit of time spent ripping and shaping the board - depending on how you value your free time, this could be a reasonable option. I will bookmark that...

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 3:29 am
by Dale Barton
From a time standpoint, this appears the best option, although I still have a Prophet and Detonater to paddle. dale


Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:06 pm
by Dave C
Ed's in Vermont cuts very nice gunwales for several outfitters and shops. I needed a couple of sets a few years ago. I convinced several friends they needed some too. I ordered 32 at $20 apiece and split the cost of shipping, which was about $100. I don't know what his price is now. The ones I got were full length. His site is referenced in one of the replies.

If you are in Alabama sometime, Brian McAnally in Birmingham will cut some if he has the wood on hand and the propensity. I bought a couple of sets from him last year. His are actually better than Ed's. They were very straight grained and easy to finish once on the boat.

Getting them in bulk is the best way. It costs a bit up front, but it's amazing how many friends you will find who need gunwales if you just check around.