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My weekend (aka. what NOT to do)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:02 pm
by KNeal
I went for a day and ended up staying for 3 . There is a lesson learned and mine was time consuming and expensive. I'll let the others post what that lesson is--I certainly heard enough about it and had plenty of time to mull it over. :-? But anyway, here's what happened (my version):

My wife said to me on Friday, as she was leaving for work, "When is Gauley Fest?"

I replied, "This weekend."

She responded with a casual, "Call me at lunch."

So, I did and at 12:30 a.m., Saturday morning, I came rolling into PAC's campsite and crawled into bed and slept soundly until I heard the Canadians crashing into things as they were getting themselves organized and preparing breakfast :wink: After saying our "howdy"'s and spending about 60 minutes of discussion on where to eat breakfast, we go to Bob Evan's and load up on coffee, eggs, and hash browns, then fart around for a few hours while we set shuttle for running the Lower Gauley. PAC asked who would run shuttle up to the the Middle Gauley putin and my response was (and you are not going to hear these next words for a LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGGG time),
"I'll run shuttle." :D

We throw the boats in, and on, my truck, toss in the gear, load Canadians, regionally indigenous boaters (including a kyacker, which SHOULD HAVE given me good karma), and one (very rare) Chinese Canadian :D, into the cab and we are off with PAC trailing with the others in our group. I believe we had a total of 11 boaters (3 kyackers, 3 cboaters, 2 sets of Shredders, and an open boater (yay, Al! :D ).

After a LONG drive up the short way on the dirt road called, Panther Mountain Road (and we went the short way :-? ), we eventually arrive at the Wood's Ferry putin. We got on the river in just a few minutes and away we were for a great day of boating, self rescue, boat-assisted rescue, and swim-assistance rescue. Plus, a lot of playing, surfing, chatting, losing our group on occasion, chatting with the raft guides and customers, and catching up with other boaters not seen in a few years. There was some great entertainment from each of us in how we were conducting our boating prowess (aside from me yelling at that "poor" Chinese Canadian for flipping in Canyon Doors rapid (her response, with a great big smile, was that her friends consider her to be "entertainment" on the river). In short, the trip down the Middle and Lower Gauley was great. Just the way you want the trip to go...
...with a few exceptions:
  • 1. We started late in the afternoon
    2. We got off the river even later (ended up chasing the setting sun and the dropping river level)
    3. I discovered, after we had almost got back to the putin, that I had left my key on the ground at the takeout.
It was at this moment that chaos could have taken over and I would have been walking a long way alone, but the tremendous bond that exists in this cboating community took over.

We went back in the dark to look for the key, checked all my gear, the ride vehicle we were in, and my boat, went to the putin to pick up PAC's vehicle, checked everything a second time, and left my truck at the putin with a bunch of local ATV'ers who were kickin' back and slurpin' down some nice cold ones from the coolers on the back of their ATV's. Thoughts of vandalism, demolition, dismantlement, theft, fire, and explosions were racing through my mind (you just have to appreciate just how far back in the woods the location of that putin really is :( ).

With great fortune, PAC spotted the park rangers driving through and we talked them into going back to my truck. I was able to access the cab and took everything that was of value, personal value, and things I did not want stolen. I locked the truck up (using the fob that was in the truck since I did not have the key, or even a spare key) and left with the same images racing through my mind. PAC, his son Jacob, and I arrived at Gauley Fest by 10:00--just in time to do a quick sweep through the compound, catch up with other boaters, and check out stupid people doing stupid stuff (that has to do with sumo wrestling and alcohol, LOTS of alcohol).

After a restless, sleepless night, we had breakfast at Bob Evan's and Jay spent the rest of the day on Saturday getting me to the truck and met the tow truck driver, who took my vehicle out of there, took me back to the take-out to look around some more, run up to Summersville to see if I could rent a car and leave Jay alone (which was fruitless on both parts), then drove me all the way out to Beckley were I got a hotel and eventually stopped pestering Jay. The rest of Saturday was spent catching up on TV shows and reading James' letter to the Jewish Christians.

Monday, today, came around and I finally got my brand new key, hopped in the truck and left for home. I got back just 1 1/2 hours ago and it is nice to be back. I'm grateful to ALL the boaters (especially to PAC and Jay, "not Elvis") for the time they gave up to be with me and make sure I was taken care of. Wonder if Jay EVER got to meet up with that guy and pick up the boat he was supposed to get Saturday afternoon? :-?

And that is my story,
KNeal (please don't ask me to run shuttle)

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:28 am
by Mike W.
No boats fell of your truck?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:51 am
by PAC
Ah KNeal....
...don't ask me to run shuttle!!
Don't worry, you are definitely off my shuttle list! For sure!

I still have to get that tire fixed but what's a Gauley trip without my vehicle not having a flat tire. :roll: If I fine a key is the culprit I will be pissed! :wink:

No problem on the diversion.

On Sunday the boy wanted to hike down and check out Pillow Rock, so we bypassed the stop at Valley Falls. He got to see some of his older friends ace the drop, see some raft flips, C1 surfing and a boater stuffed into the Room of Doom. I'll post those photos later.

Paul C

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:49 am
by oc1paddlr
and lesson learned...??? my answer...3 ( maybe i'm a little AD)

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:04 am
by Tiggy
Ever hear of a magnetic key holder?
(hind-sight is 20/20) :roll:

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:19 am
by oc1paddlr
thats one....

Yes, I finally made it to Alta

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 10:52 am
by Not Elvis
Yes, KNeal, I got the SEA KAYAK. For all of you who were not there to hear the explanantion, this was not some radical new conversion that I am scheming--it's for a coworker who is competing in triathalons. Apparently, you can't compete in C-Steeds, you have to do them in Kayucks.

When I get there to meet this guy, he informs me that he used to race C2 with his Mrs. and was around when John Sweet was still making C1s out seal skin stretched over whale bone. He talked about Lugbill and Hearn as "young teenagers" at the Petersburg festival or whatever it was called near Seneca, WV. Apparently, it was quite the gathering, though before I was hatched. This gent's name is Andy Gwinn. Great guy to talk to, but not on a school night so far from home.

Anyway, after chatting for about an hour, I escaped and was 5.5 hours from home at 6:30 on a work night. Some of you might think "big deal" but I get up at 2:45, so Monday was a rough day. Fortunately, I was able to muster the strength to bait KNeal. I am NEVER too tired to not do that.

Glad to see that KNeal did not have to spend another day in vacationland.

Not Elvis
"Dang, I am part of the solution, not part of the problem--this time."

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:25 pm
by kenneth
Ouch Kneal... when you told me you had a bad weekend I was picturing something water related - for what it's worth I'm glad it was vehicle related. Nice to hear there was a good support crew!

I did something to Adam once that was similar. Let's just say it's amazingly easy to lock your keys in a 2000 4Runner (my 2004 Jetta on the other hand you literally have to crawl out the trunk in order to intentionally lock a key inside).

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:28 pm
by rcgalwa
I am confused as to why the race of a particular boater (Chinese Canadian) was worthy of mention? Boaters are boaters no matter where they are from or who they are. I don't think I want to boat or run shuttle with you in fear that my wife might get "special mention" just due to where she is from or what race she is. I think it is best to leave the special recognitions out on the posts, or not bother posting at all-


Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 1:45 pm
by Mr.DeadLegs
EWWWWWWWW the P/C police have struck. Louie no more Swimming Mexican references, he is now only to be refered to as the Swimming Person. Any other refences to Race, Creed, Religious or Sexual allignment, or gender should be struck from all postings as it may offend someone who may or may not be involved in the OP. Louie I know this will concern your many references to the other unmentionable types of paddlers( if I used Louieisms I would be guilty of some offense I am sure).

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:03 pm
by rcgalwa
My point wasn't to start an argument about race Mr. Deadhead! It was that this site is for talking about C-boating not what rare race we saw on the river today. Unless that is some beloved regional past time of c-boating that I was just unaware of.

If you want to change user names

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:57 pm
by Mr.DeadLegs
Well Censor Boy. Lets remove all descriptive terms from all trip reports. I think it would be much better, and far more correct. Were you born this way? Do you find most literature offends you? Do you know the Chinese Canadian, or the original poster? May be that is the way she introduced herself. May be she has a sense of humor. I don't know either one of them but I enjoyed the post. The story was entertaining to read. I don't think the OP was malicious in using the term Chinese Canadian, or Jewish Christian. KNeal sorry about hijacking the thread but I liked your story and I hate goody goody censors. BTW a beener and split ring allow you to clip a key darn near anywhere on a car. Ooops I said Beener.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:14 pm
by sbroam
In a civil society we have a responsibility to be polite and tolerant - don't intentionally offend, don't take offense readily, especially when none is intended.

I have known KNeal a long time and am certain he meant no offense - I hope he will chime in presently. One would have to be blind not to notice that our sport, especially our little subspecies, is 99.99% caucasian and easily 90% male. It is only human nature to notice differences, where this becomes fault is when we prejudge or treat someone better or worse solely because of the difference - what may be easiest to do, for even the most well intentioned, is to make somebody uncomfortable.

I, for one, hope my kids don't grow up thinking that this is an old white guys sport!

I am not a fan of externally imposed censorship, but checking your words on the way out your mouth (or fingertips) is crucial to maintaining that civil society. Let's keep it civil.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:23 pm
by the great gonzo
I do not get involved in the slugfest here (although I enjoy watching one from the sidelines... :lol: ...), but I can assure everyone here that May, the Chinese Canadian paddler mentioned in KNeal's report (which I really enjoyed), has a great sense of humour and would most likely not have been offended by this report at all.

Just my 02 cents.

martin a.k.a. the great gonzo!

PS: KNeal, glad that you made it back! I'll bring that Loco for you to try next time!

Overall, the entire Canadian contingent that I paddled with, including all the first timers, had a great time on the UY and UG last weekend! No swimms, beat-downs and broken or lost gear 8) !

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 3:38 pm
by KNeal
rcgalwa wrote:I am confused as to why the race of a particular boater (Chinese Canadian) was worthy of mention? Boaters are boaters no matter where they are from or who they are. I don't think I want to boat or run shuttle with you in fear that my wife might get "special mention" just due to where she is from or what race she is. I think it is best to leave the special recognitions out on the posts, or not bother posting at all-
"rcgalwa", you asked why her race was worthy of mention. Simply put, it was not. The ethnicity was mentioned only to show just how diverse our paddling community really is. I found her to be really cool and had a lot of fun boating with her. No offense meant and I apologize to whoever took offense to my comment. That's all there is to that. The ONLY fear you need to have with running shuttle with me is tolerating me after I locked myself out of my truck again, lost my truck key again, and did not "learn my lesson"! :x

PAC, glad your flat tire didn't hinder you much. We certainly are getting proficient in pluggin' tires, aren't we? :D Hiking to Pillow is very worthwhile. So, the boy got to see what the "Room of Doom" is all about, with a kyacker serving as the model no less! 8) BTW, now that I got your shorts back to you (after a year), I now have your 150-foot long nylon tie-down strap. When are we gonna get THAT back to ya? :lol:

Forgot to mention in my original post about something Jay and I observed at a stoplight just outside Summersville. We had stopped for the redlight and noticed the minivan in the lane next to us was rolling forward several feet into the intersection, then an 18-wheeler had pulled up beside us with a WHOLE LOT of smoke billowing around it and us. We looked behind us and noticed the trailer was still in the lane behind us! :o Turns out, the truck driver timed the stopping distance behind Jay very poorly, locked up and swerved his cab into the other lane to keep from driving through Jay's truck! :oops: Oh, large steaming pile of dog doo!


Now, back to the rest of the weekend