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Advice for a newbie to ALF

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:21 am
by Gord
Hi all,

I am coming to ALF for the first time, likely by myself. Where can I meet other paddlers to join a group for paddling. I am an open boater capable of paddling solid C III water.



Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:39 am
by Louie
is a sticky on the top of the page that takes you to Cumknock web site. I think a lot of people are stayin at the soaring eagle campground and there a butt load of hotel at the lenoir city Exit. The Dinner bell resturant there at Exit 81 is another metting spot. Call when you get into town 865 986 9993, or 803 319 1719 or 865 388 0915, Dick know what is goin on also 865 986 5613. You have more trouble chosen where to go and with who more than trouble findin someone to go with.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:15 am
by Gord

Thanks for the reply

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:31 pm
by cheajack
Hey Louie, can we distill it down to one meeting spot? Either Dinner Bell or Soaring Eagle, but not both. I vote for the large room in the Dinner Bell. It's best for those of us not camping at Soaring Eagle.


Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:13 pm
by Louie
If we are goin toward the plateau, we can stop by the campground on the way, even going south to Waldens Ridge one way takes us by the Soaring Eagle . North toward the Watauga, French Broad, Noli or the Smokies they will have to come to us but hey it is like five mile. Remember this times is as well oriqanized as all the others this is your partydo what you want, I will.

Walden Ridge should be our dream scenario. Up end class 4 plus, 5. Not that many class 2, 3 runs but some clasics Piney, Duskin, Rock, Roaring, McGill. Then we got Henderson, Richland, Cain, North Chick, Suck,for those wantin to try the advanced intermediate stuff