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(idea?) Need help with your paddling or rolling technique?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:49 pm
by Craig Smerda
shoot a couple minutes of video of yourself doing forward strokes on flatwater with crossover strokes paddling towards the camera and away from the camera... then left to right and right to left.

you'll need a camera that can shoot video... and a computer.

post it online somewhere. provide us with a link.

the same goes for those of you struggling with your roll... go to the lake or a pool... and shoot some video.

it's nearly impossible to help or assist people that are having issue's with this kind of stuff without seeing where the problems might actually lie. most likely it's something simple. people on this board are actually willing to help... but asking for certain types of advise is like myself or others asking you what you'd charge us to fix a leaking roof on our homes without actually seeing our homes. you get it?

if you are serious enough to ask for help and go through with it... you'll most likely be provided with some serious and helpful answers, tips or solutions. (we all like to joke around... myself included but i can't think of one c-boater i know of that won't take the time to help another one of us if we're willing to ask for it.)

this isn't the stone age and we aren't writing letters back and forth and sticking them in the mailbox waiting weeks on end for a reply... THIS is the internet... it's a powerful tool if your willing to use it to your advantage. :lol:

help us... help you :wink:

this thread will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2......


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:45 pm
by Atucky
Now that's a pretty good idea right there...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:48 pm
by ezwater
:evil: Sir, you mock me !


Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:03 pm
by Louie
I don't really care to have my rollin recorded on film. However I can have my IT department (PLG) lift the mulitude of times I righted by boat after flips, is that what you are talkin about?

Re: ?

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:19 pm
by Craig Smerda
Louie wrote:I don't really care to have my rollin recorded on film.
we aren't able to make up excuses for you Louie... but we will be more than happy to suggest any and all corrections. :wink:

even old dogs can learn new and useful tricks... either that or we'll duct tape you into the boat until you drown or get it right! :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:22 pm
by Craig Smerda
ezwater wrote::evil: Sir, you mock me !
yes... yer a bit "different" than the other children!


but we still love you... :lol:

Re: check

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:24 pm
by Craig Smerda
Atucky wrote:Now that's a pretty good idea right there...
i'm full of "good idea's"... usually a little short on cash and good looks... but i'm absolutely loaded with "ideas" !!!

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:44 pm
by KNeal
Oh, Lordy! Don't tell me ezwater has a ribbon in his hair! :x

Craig, you don't have enough voting options for me to cast a vote (since I'm sidelined for a couple o' months). :wink:


Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:31 am
by Craig Smerda
KNeal wrote:(since I'm sidelined for a couple o' months). :wink:


Spock suggests you to live Vicariously through others on the internet in the meantime.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:42 pm
by Alden
Craig, that sounds like a good idea. You should recruit Hailey to do the C-1 parts, you do the OC-1 parts, and I think we'll be off and running. :)

Plus -- forget paddling or rolling. I can do you one better . . .

I could film myself doing outfitting work! Who wouldn't want to watch a Youtube clip called "The Endlessly Repairable Zephyr"? Or "Five Hours with Your Dagger Caption"? Maybe you remember the Simpsons episode with "Paint Your Wagon." Well, we could have "Paint Your Gunnels." Instead of "This Old House," we could have "This Old Boat." I think this is fertile ground.

After all, if I didn't want to tinker with stuff, and if I wasn't a "do-it-yourself-er," I would be paddling a kayak! Why do you think I got into C-1? :D


Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:55 pm
by philcanoe
Sounds like a good idea, but how far ru-go-n2-go...

It's one thing to say, oh look at that... And quite another to say, do it like me. I remember this from a Kent Ford class, he remarked about people from one town (area) having a certain style or look to their boating. They were emulating what they could see, and thought was the way to go. What I'm alluding to is this might really be helpful to diagnosis technique, but should we really attempt to make everyone paddle the same.

So my question is, do you envision a group diagnosis of someone's video... or do you envision a collection of videos, with everyone saying do it like me - no like me - no never, like me. There are some strong personalities here. We already see it mentioned by some who've bought instructional videos (n-magazines), and stated this so-n-so says this, while that so-n-so says that. Which only goes to show, there is no one right way. There is no common database of this is how it's done, for we all know there is no defacto standards. Nor should we attempt to create a standards committee.

Just playing Devil's Advocate... because in idea it sounds good.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:24 pm
by Craig Smerda
Alden wrote:Craig, that sounds like a good idea.
glad to hear your on board with this... the alternative for you was let's just say less than ideal :wink:

[img] ... wedgie.jpg[/img]

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:26 pm
by sbroam
I could see both - there doesn't need to be a "standards" committee, but some good examples of technique wouldn't hurt. Some are out there already. And the critique thing could be very useful, especially for those lonely C-boating hold outs who have nothing but kayakers around in their locale. There's more than one way to do a thing right but many, many more ways to do it wrong...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:33 pm
by jakke
I think you have 2 kind of paddlers:
- those who accept what has been tought as THE way to go
- and those who critisice what they have been thought and maybe find another way.

I think the ones who are asking questions are mainly of the second type. Asking for some points of view, maybe some examples of good paddling, and of they go.

So yes please, have people post their videos and other people comment on it. Not only you learn about your or others mistakes. You also learn to have a critical look at paddling styles.

And yes, probably there will be some do-it-like-me discussions, but that's why we should have moderators/administrators. Suggesting is ok, pushing is wrong.

But at least it's a good initiative, and maybe we can build up a collection of examples how to do certain things, and how not to do certain things.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:46 pm
by philcanoe
a good place to start... now