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Post by Louie »

I will get two beer ready and call him. Decker, Linville is in North Carolina, just in case you was thinkin it was in madison or sumthin
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hades ya Dooley

Post by 2opnboat »

Congrats to Dooley impressive
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Post by Dooleyoc-1 »

It was one of the best days I've ever had on the river. The scenery is unbelievable in there. It really doesn't feel like the southeast. The gorge is so big and the views are so great it feels like a run out west.

Also, they say that section of Linville is the longest stretch of Class V east of the Rockies. It is solid Class V for 5 miles. I'm guessing there are over 50 major rapids in that section. Most other Class V runs in the southeast only maintain that difficulty for 1, 2 or maybe 3 miles at the most i.e. (Green, Bear, Lower Cullasaja, Suck, Raven Fork etc...) Linville is also the most serious river I've ever seen. Even the Class III's and Class II's have bad undercuts and sieves. You have to be on top of your game the whole way down.

It was an amazing day (except for the 1.5 mile 1200 vertical ft hike out of the gorge). We shot a lot of video so hopefully it will get posted soon.

Post by Louie »

Could you leave a boat where you took out and walk back in the next day and finish the run ( by finish the run I meaan get to some where you don't have to carry your boat out or where you could just leave it.)
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Post by Dooleyoc-1 »

PS- There are some great urban legends about the other canoe trips down Linville. I know at least 3 other people have canoed it (Psycho, Jim Michaud and Jeff Richards).

-The time Psycho was there back in the early or mid 90's there were like 12 kayakers there so they divided into 2 groups. Due to miscommunication all 3 people that knew the lines wound up in the same group and Psycho ended up leading 5 or 6 pods down Linville (none of them knew anything about the run!)

-Also, when Jeff Richards did it shortly after Psycho he had a brand new Viper 11 that had never been in the water (he took the plastic off at the put-in). By the time he got to the take-out the boat was no longer sea-worthy. It never made another trip! It didn't go under an undercut or get broken from one hit either. It's just tough for a royalex boat to run over 50 Class V rapids and still be in one piece! (I'm guessing it must have been low water too)
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Post by Dooleyoc-1 »

Louie, to answer your question, yes. That is how Psycho, Jeff and Jim did the run. It used to be a 2 day trip. Carrying out cuts out 5 miles of class II and flat water at the end. Also, back in the day when people did it as a 2 day trip the second day usually sucked because you had low water for all the Class II bump and grind sections.

Also, I've heard there are still bad sieves and undercuts in the lower section too.
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Post by PAC »

Looking forward to the video! Heard stories of it up this way and its been referenced as a bugger of a run! What boat was used?
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Post by Dooleyoc-1 »

I was in a Prelude.

Post by Louie »

I knew about the ones you mentioned but didn't Milt do some section of it perhaps puttin in where you took out? Well at low water with a full ten hours to do your five miles, with a couple of inlaws packin in food and sleeping gear to your take out, and how long is the lower section?
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Post by jim gross »

OOOO to be you and foolish than old and wise. I miss the steeps. WAAAA. Congrats.


Post by Louie »

Can you old, wise and foolish? dooley was given us the hard version of the trip, heck you can goand do the first four miles cut out ten class V rapids and one mile and have less of a cary out for some of my inlaws ( they won't run the river just hike in to help get my boat out. The mile and a half hike in no problem it is down hill and the Teaurea slides well.
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Post by jim gross »

That was supposed to be "young and foolish". Dangit I can't type when I'm tired.

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Post by photogora »

I rarely post but I have to say BRAVO to that. Linville gorge is one of the most specialist places ever.
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Post by Atucky »

Congrats Dooley! Big accomplishment!

Sounds like a long day. I bet you slept well that night.

Can't wait to see the video.
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Re: nice!

Post by eddyhops »

I wanna know what cleaners were used.


Great job Dooley, living vicariously through you so so keep 'em coming!
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