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Shaggy stuff

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:30 am
by Izak
Hey Hey!

Any of you guys ever paddled or heard about boats from shaggy designs especially "the Pagan"?

If yes I'd like to hear some feedback bout the paddling, the quality, the service etc...

Thanx :D

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:57 pm
by Mike W.
I have a Sith. Great boat for surfing & river running. Mine is a full cut, 3/4 layup & weighs 20lbs. I don't paddle it on shallow stuff (I've got plastic for that), but I have smacked it a few times spinning & squirting. You can barely tell that I've ever hit anything. It's solid construction. Instead of adding a bunch of layers to make the boat stiff & heavy, they strategically glass in structural pieces to make it stiff & light. Their inside seams are done so well they don't need end-pours.

Drop Gwyn & Martin a note to let them know what you want & figure out how to get the boat to you. When I had mine built they were all hand lay-ups so you won't get PS Composite style artwork, but they can do all carbon, solid colors, splatters, splatters w/ metal-flake, etc.

Pagan & Sith...

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:21 pm
by PAC
I've paddled both the Sith and Pagan. The Pagan is a full on play boat. Think of a Wheel Boy on "the juice"....lighter too (you got to love glass). I paddled one on the NBofP, LY and on the Gull. It was fast and fun! I think it would really shine on big water and large fast holes. If I remember Seth C. got in it and popped some flat water loops with ease!
Martin (TGG) has one so I'm sure he will chime in. Marshall (adhesive), you have one too - right? :wink:
I've also paddled the Sith and its on my short list of boats I have to get (New Shredder, Ceemweaver and Sith). Only because I have a Wheel Boy and having a Pagan would put an end to me paddling the WB (...and I really like the WB).
If overall I had to have one all around boat to do everything (and do it well) I'd go with a Sith. If you currently have a good river runner and creeker then go get a Pagan! Its not a creeker but it would double up as a river runner too.
The Shaggy boats hold up well and Paul S (PS Composites) was impressed with there workmanship and quality ... that speaks volumes!
The only issue I have with Shaggy is that they don't do metal flake (but maybe that has changed)....I like my glass sparkley! 8)
Keep us posted on what you go with!!
Paul C.

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:13 pm
by the great gonzo
I have a Sith as well as a Pagan. They are both great boats. Not as
They are both great boats. Very light (20 lbs) and extremely stiff, plastic boats feel like wet noodles compared to them.

The Pagan is an all out playboat. It has a hard triple edge, similar to the Bliss stick RAD series. I will not really comment on it's performance, as it's play potential is well above my skill level, but it should suffice to say that Stefan 'Foerster' Paetsch, Freestyle World Champ in OC1 and top level C1 freestyler got hismelf a Pagan to compete with in this years World champinships in Thun.
I hgave also used my pagan for riverrunning. It's not ideal for that, the aggressive edges can trip up an old guylike me once in a while, but it has good speed for such a short boat.

The Sith is an allround rivrrunner/playboat. While it won't do the latest aerial moves (neither do I... :roll: ...) it is one of the best surfing boats I have everbeen in, it spins, cartwheels very nicely and blunts. It squirts nicely as well, and has good speed. Despite being low vlune, it's a great Big Water boat, as its so stable and predictable, even when on end.
If I could have only one boat in my quiver, the Sith would be it.
As far as durability, I have had mine for 5 years now anbd it's sill going strong, without me having baied it, I have taken it down spring runs here in Ontario where everyone at the put-in thought I was nuts taking a composite boat down and it was fine. Sure, I had to patch the odd soft spot or small crack, but this boat still has years of life left in it.

You can not get the stunning graphics and metal flakes as you can from PS composites or Murky Waters, as Shaggy Designs, being only part time boat builders, don't have the equipment to do this, but the build quality and layup is superb.
If you run lots of shallow rivers they can accommodate by adding additional reinforcement layers.

Get in touch with Martin or Gwyn and they'll help you out. They are both great guys and they build top notch boats.


Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:17 pm
by Sir Adam
Here are my thoughts on Shaggy:

They are paddlers, and work too - Shaggy is not their main business. Ordering in Fall / Winter in the past has meant quick service. Summer time, you'll have to ask them.

I have a Sith, and wish I'd purchased it years ago - if I could only one one (or two;) ) boats, the Sith would be it, as it fits my needs well, was customized to my requirements, and is phenomenal to paddle.

I would not hesitate to purchase another boat from them - they gave me a schedule they thought they could build the boat by, and stuck to it (and sent updates / images).

They are a small builder, but the quality is excellent, and do not know of anyone that has regretted purchasing one of their boats.

If the Pagan seems to fit your needs, buy it!

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:30 pm
by sbroam
As a 220# paddler who has spent about 15 minutes in a Pagan, I can say I was really impressed with the speed, especially considering it's length.

The Sith is on my wish list...


Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:21 pm
by billcanoes
wonderful boats (at least the sith) it was one of my 3 favourite boats, out of over 30 that I have owned