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Has anyone open boat Bald River before today

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:38 am
by Louie
Not the 22 foot part of the big drop but the who thing from Holly Flats to jarreds Knee. Seven miles 9 open boater 8 who had open boat with them.Four hour trip, shuttle from hades. 8 or 9 quality drops some over 30 foot. Tellico was 2.6 but it was one of those winter rains where the ground was socked and lettin the water fell slowly into the run. We will go back

Louie as always, full o' poop

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:16 am
by Longboatin
Odd, guide says suislide is 25'-30' but nuthin else. You talkin 'bout how long the rapids wuz?

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:17 pm
by Louie
WHAT GUIDE? Have you ran it? never mind that is a retorical question.

Boat break down

1 Spanish Fly (Savage)
1 Skeeter (Savage)
1 Nitro (Esquif)
1 Maxium ( Mohawk)
2 Profits ( Dagger)
2 Teaureau (Esquif)

The two guys in the Profits wished they had brung thier Fly and Teaureau. Of course when they left North Carolina we were goin to do clear Creek, then it was Crooked Fork, then Cittico , finaly it was Bald.

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:21 pm
by ckingoc1
Any video or pics?

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 1:05 pm
by Louie
Yes cummie camera died quick but PLG video shot all day. Will be up on You Tube right after the Bullet Creek one airs. Doopey had to be home at 1900 we took off at 1800 and started the hour and a half shuttle at that point.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:04 am
by Longboatin
obviously havent done, but I enjoy chekin out what others are doin', just dont get the exageration. Here's the info I looked at ... l/id/1716/
The run looks tight, but you aint some paddlin god, you still flip and swim for gods sake.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:29 am
by Louie
Silly boy that not a guide. That a kayak clubs news letter.You don't even have their name right they are called American Kayaker now of days.

As far as a the rest yo got that right for sure. I ain't no God more like an enabler or instagater. On Friday I caused two guys who had never ran Little Clear Creek to do it and Saturday I caused eight open boaters to do a run we never had. Sunday three guys got three river new to them. Hopefully they will take people back and do them again. BTW what did you paddle on Friday, Saturday, Sunday? Also how many people did you get on the water on those days, never mind again it is one of those retorical question.

Next time you are lookin for an on line source of information go to Walden Ridge at least that is put up by a paddler and not some origanization lookin to keep payin it officals with your money.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:28 am
by Longboatin
Per yer previous suggestions to check out Waldens, I have, it definitely is a nice site. Notive however, at least some of the creeks link to the American white... er Kayaker site you disparage.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 12:45 pm
by Louie
Yes you are right. Mark Walden Ridge owner is a kayaker, well he is really an open boater but just hasn't been able to take the leap to a real boat.IHe started boatin in 1987 ( late comer for sure) and I pick him up that year and worked on his and Jim Little boatin in his formative years. He has more first D's than anyone I know and use to put his run on that Kayaker webb site. He is working to bring those runs he post on American Kayaker over to his own site but he continues to get new runs and can't all the new ones up let a lone all his old ones. I knocked off two 1st D's with him this year (and two with out him in Mexico I might add) and we have two more lined up. We hoped to get one Friday but didn't have quite enough water.
FYI Bald River falls is 80 feet, buyin the Farm right above it is a big one and Suidslide is bigger than the Kayaker webb site says it is. As best we know our group of 8 open boats was the first Canoes to go down it. I did run one of the bigger ones in a Nitro. I am practicin in barge type of boats so when you come south and we switch boats I won't be totally lost in a dianasore type of boat, I am sure you are workin out in something under 16 feet yourself. I kinda figured that is why I didn't see you at the Upper Yough or the Gauley you weren't quite readey to switch boats and paddle in a 7 foot 11 and 15/16 inch boat that was designed and built in this melidium. I will understand if you don't want to switch boats the day of the Tellico race durin ALF, but the event is nine days long and the race is only one day, we will have plenty of chances to switch boats.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:24 pm
by Longboatin
Im hopin to make it down there 4 ALF for a bit at least. Will be visiting family in LA in March so hopefully, will be able to get some boating in during drive down or back. Have been in smaller boat lately, unfortunately squirt boat, so not really oriented toward creeks, but we'll see what happens.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:29 pm
by Louie
LA? Where in Lower Alabama are your people from? Can't wait to meet you you are welcome anytime. BSF, Obed, French Broad, Nolichucky, are all non creek rivers that are runnin that time of year.

updates on Bald River

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:46 pm
by Cumnock
I am making a new page for Bald River for the WRWW site, its been on the list for awhile.

Thank to Steve Zerfos the new Tellico area watershed map is up on WRWW just look on the map page or drop down menu.

I do know that is was kayaked before Brian Collins and I got on it.

We did clean it up, tho' I was the first to Run Suislide which we named buying the farm.

Later people re-named it, so we moved the name buying the farm downstream.It's the drop above Bald River Falls We did video it for Steep Creekin, and the drops for some reason just don't video well. Even the big ones look small on the TV screen.

and there is more than one big one...they are all classic's with horizon lines...if you take someone for the first time and don't scout it's scary...if you scout the big ones and know where they are's good clean fun

The AW write-up to me is misleading somewhat and doesn't let you know what is truly in there. I never understood when the Tellico has water why you wouldn't paddle Bald River its a classic in every sense.It makes no sense to paddle the Tellico if you are there...its in a Wilderness Area that alone is worth the price of admission.

I'm not in a hurry on making the page, I need Adam's pics and Fred to post the You Tube stuff up. Once we get all that a new page will be up.

The WRWW flowpage was just updated with the new dial in. Its dead-on for Bald... to the last molecule of h20 for it to run.

For my 2 cents I know of no one who has open-boated it until Sat.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:48 pm
by Louie
Please call me ASAP 803 319 1719

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:33 pm
by Walsh
Louie and Longboatin, why don't we move ALF to Massachusetts so you two can stop flirting and get hitched?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:47 pm
by gumpy
nice... 8)