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Boat recs

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:30 am
by Mike040
Hi guys

Been browsing the forum for a couple of weeks, and a great and friendly place it seems.

I've read all the threads about 200lb plus paddler boats, and most of the ones about boats in general. I've been used to paddling a c1, and am looking for a whitewater oc1 for both big water and what you guys call creeking (I'm in the UK).

So far I've narrowed it down to a prodigy x and possibly a nitro. I can get either over here, but can't get other Esquif boats as it seems that the UK retailer / importer isn't doing them anymore. So of the ones I mention, what's your view on their suitability for both large bouncy water/surfing and using for creek/waterfall use? I don't want something like a spanish fly as it's too small and I want something with some volume as I'm 6'5 and about 240 lbs. I'd describe myself as an advanced paddler if that helps. Just interested in general views really, and any other boat recs would be good too. However, I know I want the impossible in terms of wanting speed and glide ability, good surfing hull yet short enough to do waterfalls. I know there's no nirvana, but the best compromise would be great.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:01 am
by Mr.DeadLegs
If you are able to get one the Viper 12 is a better boat in my opinion. It is fast and carves like very few other boats. I am 6'7" 250lbs

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:09 am
by Mike040
Yeah Mohawks are readily available here. I'll see if I can demo one. I'm a thwart kind of guy, but I think for the useage this would need a saddle.

What's your view of the length? You don't feel it's a little long for creeks?

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:17 am
by Mr.DeadLegs
don't know I have had it on some smaller creeks but at my size the smaller boats feel real small. I did get into an Ocoee, it was fun but real wet. I haven't tried the Maxim yet. It looks promising. I tried to get into a teaurau a couple of times and it didn't work. I could wedge myself in, but I sank the boat almost to the seam and getting out was not easy. That didn't give me a real good feel. The outfitting of the Maxim in another thread looks good. I would like to try a Holmes as well but there are none around. I have a bulkhead in the Viper, I doubt if I will go back to straps again.

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:24 am
by Mike040
I agree - the maxim outfitting looked like a fantastic job. I think it would be a little small though for me, and maybe not that fast either. Mind you, if Esquif get their stuff together and release the L'Edge, and a bigger version at that, I'd probably have one of those just for the fun of it

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:58 am
by watrwzrd
They both are fine for what you seem to want,if playability is also in there the nitro does all of what you describe well plus you can surf the really big holes,Prices between the two would be a mitigating factor also

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:03 am
by golder
i really like my nitro. that said i'm a bit smaller--6', 175lbs. the nitro was the first open boat i owned. before that i was paddling a loaner encore. it took me a while to 'grow into' my nitro. got my backside kicked till i got comfortable w/ the edges. after that 'adjustment period', i've come to really like the boat.