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Chad Lewis's Karnali C-1 Conversion

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:40 pm
by Cumnock
click on the link

The Karnali makes a great C-1...its got just enough edge...but not enough to hammer you...and its fast ... ?f=5&t=308

chads Karnalie c-1

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:51 am
by D-Caption
Hey Cumnock, just wondering what size boat, what is the saddle height. and how much does Chad weigh for comparison for the rest of us who might try the same boat. thanks D-Caption

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:27 am
by Cumnock
Med Karnali...saddle is very low...Chad's weight I have no idea

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:44 am
by Louie
I'd say 5' 11" 145 lb looks like a scarecrow, paddles like a demon.

Chads new boat

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:19 am
by D-Caption
Hey Louie, Is there any to get a deal on a Karnali un-outfitted for c-1 conversion like Woody does from L.L. Just wondering.By the way it was nice paddlin with you and Cris and family on the Tuck last summer. Sorry we didn/t spend more time with you but it looked like you had your hands full with family and didn/t wont to infringe on your family time. Hope to see you at ALF this spring. thanks D-Caption

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:09 pm
by Cumnock
Is there any to get a deal on a Karnali un-outfitted for c-1 conversion li
I think that is bad way to go. Here's why.

Who are you going to sell that boat to when you want something else? If you buy it with the kayak guts. Stick the outfitting back in it and you have a larger market to sell it to. Kayakers are a dime a dozen.

If not , who do have to sell it to?

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:20 pm
by Louie
D captain I was wrong when I told Chad to ask for one with no outfittin at all, I didn't want to have to weld up the pod holes from the factory butt boatin outfittin. However Cummie made a very valled point.

Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:05 pm
by CosmikDebris
That looks nice, wouldn't be surprised if he needed to move that seat forward a bit. Lots of people like these boats.

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:28 pm
by lagow8
Hey Louie, I was wondering what Chad thinks about the Karnali? In comparison to the other boats he has paddled?


Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:42 am
by Louie
He loves it. He really liked the Gus but I think he likes this one best. Of course why wouldn't you love a boat you Dad got you for Christmas. His post Grad work is over soon and the Dad tit is goin to dry up.However with a 13 month old , 8, 13, 16 and a grand baby on the way the thing is kinda dry now.