Please explain somethings to me

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Post by TheKrikkitWars »

I know a lot of good instructors and a lot of bad ones, the bad ones would be so much worse if they didn't have a peice of paper which told them they couldn't instruct beyond certain limits; the good ones know when and how they can ignore the bits of paper to achieve superior results in paddler education.

So, I'm part of a an instructor program, because I support tangling self-important idiots up in red-tape rather than letting them run amok.

That and the coaching skills the training has equipped me with have made me much better at one to one teaching and teaching small groups.

One last thing, clearly my experience of swiftwater rescue instructors is somewhat limited, but the few i've met are all acomplished paddlers, rafters and professionals; who far from being overly by the book are usually happy to use the quickest solution that doesn't expose us to a serious risk of getting anyone killed;
So live-bait (dope on a rope) and more people pulling are both more highly thought of than mechanical advantage. That said I know one of them can rig a "pig-rig" mechanical advantage system in little over 2 minutes; no mean feat but it sure beats scratching your balls and wondering where to pull from.
Joshua Kelly - "More George Smiley than James Bond"

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Post by Yukon »

So I found out what GDI was so an know what yas talkin bout.
You are right we Canucks are in a class of our own and us Yukoners are in a class jsut above that one. GDI motto which translates for Time to Drink is similar to our way -"It is always a good time to drink"

Oh by the way I forget to mention I am qualified and also certified- I have the doctors note and meds to prove it.
the newest ones are great- keep weight off which helps my boat float a little higher- dropped 20lb

You all should be careful I live pretty close to the north Pole you know and ya'll know who lives there. How many ya got a new boat or paddle under the tree

My sweetie did- just have to put a new tip on it
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Post by 2opnboat1 »

Thanks for all the great post I started this thread just kinda fishing the board had gotten slow And there where conversations I have had with numous folk about this topic. I do feel the are some great ACA instructors (Eli). I instructed for a few years full time and still like to teach. Thiis not a bash own all instructors papered or not or even a bash on the half butt ones. They know who they are and need no finger pointing (mainly i dont know any names) I hope that everybody who teachs will look at themselve fix what needs to fixed. I understand not everyone needs to teach hair techniques, there is a huge need for beginner level teachers, they just need to update some of there methods. One problem i feel is so many of the old school people feel that class II,III is all that should be boated in an OC some of that mentality goes away with each new boater (as long as they are taught that).
So thanks for the great post and whos up for the next Topic to get folks mad.
Richard Guin
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Post by bobthepainter »

RICHARD...look at the hits this post got in a few days time? :o ... i really think you hit on something!... let us put the madness aside. and work on the greater good ..."i'm a new one" working with paddlers that are ready to take there paddling to the whitewater level ..(an ACA class III moving water instructor.) that means i can paddle class III water, and can only instruct on class II water, or below. so the beginnerpaddlers are my students !! at this level paddlers for the first time are no longer just bombing down the river. they are learning how to make the moves with a paddle and understanding how eddies work, along with ferries.. also some self rescue comes into play. at this stage they are ready to start to play, now the level IV, OR THE ADVANCE WHITEWATER levels i can not comment on. so maybe those insturctors can pipe in here! i know there is some" WORLD CLASS PADDLERS" in here?? so some of there coments hopfully can be added in to help to grow this in the right direction.(no bashin' no finger pointin' ) just good useful input to help out .... thanks bob

Post by Louie »

Well I ain't Richard but it seems that this time of the year and until the snow melt in other places were the river are frozen the bulk of class IV paddlin is in the southeast, which means WNC, E and M Tenn, North Ga and Norther Alabama. My question is do the instructor who want to be able to train others on harder river need or have to have a formal training program or can they get the exsperences by just bein with class IV boater? Do whitewater videos showning people runnin class IV river good enough or do they need outlines, cylibuses and instructional materials. With Eli, Dooley, Phil and other GDI members boatin every weekend or every time it rains, it seems the advances classes are here and just waitin for the instuctor to come where the water is. ALF is great but you don't have to wait till March, classes could have been held today and can be held tomorrow. We are ready where are you?
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Post by bobthepainter »

:D you bet Louie, i would love to come learn from you guys !. it's just not real at this time. ...but i'll take a rain check!! but,you need to make some instruction footage out some of the stuff you have.> add in some edit captions , or shoot one for a new skill that is used .. i think dooley's new project should make a hit! i'm looking forward to see it!
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