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Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:55 am
by Craig Smerda
So... me being an ALF rookie and all... will there be a central meeting place where everyone can/does/did/could get together on a Saturday night (date?) to have a meet-n-greet and to possibly eat some grub and consume a variety of adult beverages... and other "stuff" ?

I know it's an unorganized event... but having everyone get together for something certain would be great.

Fill me in... 8)

Oh... and I also expect to see a lot of you folks at Nationals this year... more details to come in the next few days. :wink:


Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:21 pm
by acc
I hope Craig & I are not the only "rookies' or "virgins" going :lol:
And I hope there are some "old farts" in the crowd.
For those coming from the "far north", any suggestions re keeping your hands warm in cold weather/water, eh? I have a slight condition that tends to cause considerable discomfort to say the least when my hands get cold & wet. Standard neoprene gloves have not done much for me. Any suggestions other than not paddling :wink: would greatly be appreciated.
Last, any info on what most do re campgrounds, eating out, cooking at camp etc would be appreciated.
Feel free to contact me directly at, &/or here if the info would be of benefit to others also.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 12:04 am
by TonyB
I throw a pair of thin polypro gloves on under the neoprene helps a bit.

As far as food, being a virgin last year, we stayed at the roaring eagle, and ate rehydrated foodstuffs chaced with beer, whilst or Canadian hippie squatters, cooked full course meals on our last minute shared site.

saved money for a couple splurge nights out at resturants.

Seamed like there where several base camps with plenty goin on.

There was Diner parking lot where everyone met on the main drag in lenoir city but was closed last year, and everyone moved one block down at a diffrent Diner.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:11 pm
by Todhunter
This will be my first year too, so you guys won't be the only virgins. I'll be glad to consume some adult beverages, but must stay away from "stuff". I hope to be going for two days, one night probably at the beginning.


Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:52 pm
by acc
Thanks to TonyB & Al Donaldson for some suggestions re paddling cold conditions, gloves. I will try just about anything. Found some NRS neoprene mittens & fleece liners I may try if things get tooo uncomfortable.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:34 pm
by bald1
In response to the cold hand thing, I use kayak pogies. The ones by NRS to be exact. I just velcro them right around the paddle.

The top one on the T-grip has two holes on either end but that is ok because these suckers are so warm my hands usually sweat even in below freezing conditions.

Second the pogies

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:34 am
by Wendy
Pogies have kept my hands the warmest. Another trick is to coat your hands with vasoline 30 minutes before paddling. It blocks evaporation and they felt much warmer even without gloves.
Craig- On Cumnocks site folks have listed Sweetwater KOA as the main camping spot this year.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:32 am
by TonyB
I used to use some cool waxy honey stuff I picked up from mountain surf on my handskept in moisture and warmth but made the hands a little slick. ran out yrs ago