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S.E. gauges now available via text messaging ............

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:08 am
by reecepaddles
For those who have been unable to check gauges on your phone because you were like me & to cheap for internet service on your cell phone, you can now get to some prime South East Gauges via text messaging. It works off of an e-mail address you put in your phones contacts list, but no internet access is required by your phone,just text capability. To get a level,you text the contact with a code for the river you want(provided at web-site below)& it will send you a text back with the lastest gauge reading. Thanks to the folks at Boating Beta for this awesome feature! I have Verizon & it worked great for me. For instructions go to:

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:37 am
by Mike W.
Thanks for sharing! I just tried it. The gauge reading came back in 12 seconds.