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My New Outfitting
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:24 am
by xmas0c1c1k1
So after lots of tinkering I finally finished redoing the outfitting in my Jefe Grande. I used the dagger pedestal, but added quite a few things. I cut a wider seat so I bolted some plastic to the pedestal so I could go wider after it being recommended that a wider seat will be more comfy I am at around 4 inches high for my seat and 12 inches wide quite comfy.
I am using airplane seat belts for thigh straps and snow board bindings for my knees.
I set up a quick release system using a snap shackle. Sailing stores are awesome. As you may or may not see in the picture I mounted the shackle to the pedestal with a threaded rod. There are two lines that loop onto the shackle that run to my straps. Its pretty strong and I chose to use line, b/c it will allow me two fix it on the river. If anything fails I can definitely fix it with a prussik line.
I made hip huggers with cutting board as well. I am very happy with it on dry land we'll see how it works in the water. Let me know what yall think.
heres the link to the album
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:46 pm
by ezwater
You must have small feet. I can't extract my size 15's with a seat anywhere near that wide. (What does that say about your butt?) Other work looks good. I've never converted a kayak to c-1, though I once converted a c-1 to kayak.....
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:09 pm
by Larry Horne
my feet wouldn't fit either!
good ideas
i would try to work a way around using the threaded rod. i wouldn't be suprised if it bends and/or pulls through..
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:30 pm
by sbroam
Looks good. I'd like to see some pictures of how you have the cord attached to the thigh straps. Depending on how that is working, the threaded rod may not be under much stress. If it is not stainless, I could see rust weakening it over time.
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:19 pm
by dwd58
Where did you get the seat belt and how did you attatch the seat belt to the boat?
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:19 am
by xmas0c1c1k1
I am open to any feed back and suggestions
Larry- First you can prob. tell I copied your outfitting alot. I agree about the threaded rod. I am not in love with that aspect of the system. Its not even the rod that worries me its more the plastic. I am worried the rod is going to rip through the plastic of the pedestal. I like the snap shackle alot so its a matter of figuring out a way to mount it correctly which can be tricky cause it can't have to much give or it won't release as effectively also it needs to be oriented so that you can pull in the right direction and the gate has room to open. I saw some other guy with a snap shackle that was bolted down with webbing, but I don't think it works well that way. I'm all ears for other ideas. I still have my thinking cap on about it
SBroam: I have also looked at alot of your outfitting. The straps are just connected by running the line through the "bullseye" then through 2 holes in the pedestal and then through a hule in the webbing a washer and then I tied a stopper knot. Learned a new knot the Ashley's knot pretty cool knot. Anyways I dunno there is a lot of force being put on that rod so yeah I am a bit worried, but when you pull the QR the lines come free run through all the holes and your straps are free at one end with the line hanging off the end still. Here is a pic of the connection to the strap
My feet are size 10. So not tiny but not huge. When they are inside its really not that bad. There is a small overhang under the foam of the saddle so you can bring your feet flush with the pedestal, but I usually like my feet as wide as I can get.
That being said it works fine with no shoes, works fine with my level six booties. Does not work with my Teva's, but those have always been hard to move around. Its more the hip huggers that get in the way with those shoes on. I just ordered the new level six creek shoe so I hope they fit well in there. Wish I could alway be barefoot but no good for creeking.
the Seatbelts came from here
connected to the hull via nylan webbing loop sewed around a d ring then punch a hole through the webbing and bolt to boat with a big fat fender washer. then I cut the seatbelt passed that through the other side of the d ring and sewed the strap back to itself. I'll add pictures of this, but that part is at the cobbler right now in order to re sew my pathetic hand stitching haha
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 8:37 pm
by Mission
xmas0c1c1k1 wrote: I saw some other guy with a snap shackle that was bolted down with webbing, but I don't think it works well that way. I'm all ears for other ideas. I still have my thinking cap on about it
I think that's my outfitting?
It actually works pretty well! Has to be a strong pull to relase it but that is all I have to say bad about it. No problems so far and it's in 6 months now. A webbing loop bolted to the end of the pedestal, just past where the bar is with some large washers might be less likely to pull out than the threaded bar? I usually use that solution on my quick release systems and no problems yet.
Have you considered using metal rings on the ends of your release cords? I originally had something similar to your rig but found that the cords/webbing didn't always release cleanly the rings help quite a bit with that. However that might cause some problems with how it releases through the cleat or do they go that far?
Cool outfitting though, couple of ideas there i think im gonna adapt.
Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:31 pm
by sbroam
You know those hex bolts that only have threads the last inch or so? That might be better than threaded rod, though thde trick would be to find thew right diameter and length. Maybe use short sections of tube to keep the shackle centered?
Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:29 am
by xmas0c1c1k1
well i took the boat to the lake today and nothing broke after many rolls, but I'm sure it will break deep in some gorge (murphy's law)
the quick release worked very well. My wet exit was the smoothest I have had since i was in a kayak. Of course the lake is a very controlled enviroment compared to when you actually need to swim.
Yeah I will prob tinker a bit more but I like it as of now
Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:29 am
by pier
Hi excuse me an information, the seat belt is like the airplane seat belt with fast open? Thank u