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Point of Hip Pads?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:14 am
by agmazzuckelli
I took my skip out for a test run on a really calm river (mostly flat river) by my house, and it went really well. The boat is great; it gets vertical so easily, but it's soo edgy. I did make the mistake of forgetting to put a seat back on, so I was constantly slipping backwards. The seat back is no problem, but I was wondering about the hip pads. I see most people have them, and I have just been wondering about their function? Are they there to help keep you from slipping back in the boat? For comfort?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:15 am
by xmas0c1c1k1
Mainly to help with boat control ie more responsive to leans they also help keep you in the boat better don't have to have them but once you use them I think you will want them they really make the boat more responsive to body movements

Hip pads

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 12:07 pm
by OC1er
I've found them to be necessary, I got some pretty heavy bruising from the cockpit rim when I started trying to really throw the boat around.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:26 pm
by the great gonzo
they improve control. I found that whether or not they are necessary depends on the boat. If I do not slide sideways in the saddle I won't bather using them. If I do, I need them.


Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:00 pm
by OC1er
[quote] I found that whether or not they are necessary depends on the boat. If I do not slide sideways in the saddle I won't bather using them. If I do, I need them.[quote]

True dat, currently I'm experimenting with a backband instead of a backrest in my playboat, and a lapbelt. The result is that the backband cordage and the lapbelt cross at my hips, and I really don't have any lateral movement to speak of. My previous playboats and creeker are all backrests and I had to have the thigh pads on 'em. this quote function has me completely befuddled....