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Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:54 pm
by xtraheat
How well do pumps work? I have always assumed that they were only for flatwater and mild rapids, but it seems like you all have them outfitted. I've paddled big water like the New Gorge, Upper G, and the lower 5 of the NF of the Payette without too much trouble, but if I don't play the rapids right, I often fill up completely, which has caused many unnecessary swims. Do they work well?

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:15 pm
by xtraheat
I re-read that and saw that it was somewhat confusing. My question is: are pumps worthwile in big water? Thanks!

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:37 pm
by Sir Adam
A caveat - I'm not an open boater. But my experience paddling with folks with pumps (even 2) is yes, they do work well. You'll still need good technique, but its far easier than having to pull off and dump...or if you are not able to continue getting more water in.

Check out James and Phil's post around holes in boats... (Nevaful) - depending on what you paddle, and if you have an old boat to try it on, might be interesting...

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:07 am
by scott curtis
sure are... roll first , then i flip the switch :P

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:19 pm
by Todhunter
I really like mine. I haven't paddled big water before, but it works good on what I paddle in the South East.


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:23 am
by oc ender
it's the only way to fly.when on continuous class 3-4,and you start fillin',hit the switch and keep paddlin'!!

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 1:23 pm
by old
I read where some think it does not make you paddle as hard, or smart, or that it makes you lazy in learning to get better (learning to run dry lines). I don't need a d@m thing making it any harder! I need all the help I can get! I like em!

All Pumped out

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:50 pm
by horizongfx
My Pump Makes me lazy.
It make hit waves head on and take on water.
It makes me miss LOOKing for the "Dry Lines".
It makes me Miss looking for a rock to get out on to empty my boat in the middle of a rapid.
It makes me miss picking my boat up more than Twice on a river trip.
It makes Me miss dumping between each ender.
It makes me miss dumping after every combat roll.

I have missed a lot in life But dumping water out of my boat ain't one of um !!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 1:00 pm
by mahyongg
I embrace the chance to get out of my boat and dump, just because my feet will stay fit longer and wont hurt as much. Once I move up to technically challenging and pushy water, I would rather go Nevafull than pump. Like the low-tech of it very much, plus it works!