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A message from Louie

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:55 am
by cmnypny
To my friends on Cboats

Well at least 52% of you all. I really don’t think I will be coming back, I think about the best I would do it is to use the e-mail function to contact some of you…. well at least 52% of you all. I really enjoyed my time on there but it has come time like Bailey said about a couple of his boating buddies, to”move on”. I didn’t reach this decision lightly, but in face of the vast number of e-mails the poor administrator received applauding the decision to give me the boot, the fact that so many lurkers were highly offended by my presents ( I am surprised the poll didn’t go worse for me ). The inability of Yankee and foreign visitors to understand me and my humor and yet despite the highly offensive nature of my post, they are drawn by something to read them. I won’t even ask why they still lack the self control to refrain from reading my post. (Personally I have no problem not clicking on Larry saddle ads myself). These factors along with the fact that as a non ”long term” member of this forum (I have only been on here five and a half year) I really don’t deserve to be allow the privilege to post among so many “ long term” members. However this must serve notice to the “few” that have come to this site less than five years ago, you all must be beneath contempt in the view of the “long tem” members...

Another of my major transgressions must be the large number of open boaters that has come to site since I joined, purely by happen stance I an sure., I know that anyone as crude and uneducated as myself would never have the ability to influence anyone. Who would believe anything a paid liar would say anyway. I mean it is one thing to use my couch for sleeping and share my food, but to believe what I would say, never.. I have read the ancient post of the aged sages who populated this site back in 2002 and it is clear that this was a C1 site with open boats only slightly more represented than in the kiddy pool before I started posting over there. To these old C boaters and long term member of this chat room who have been rendered to a less than revered status and surpassed in accomplishments and relevance by the reemerging of the noble open boater (I am sure this is also part of Gabes and Larry’s problems) please remember I am but serving in the role of John the Baptist to the coming of Dooley (in the role of Jesus).

No I will refrain as much as possible from trashing, by my presents, this place for the exchange of pure knowledge. Humor has no place in academia. How can my attempts at humor add to the more important topics being discussed here, “What footwear should I get” “rain X on camera” Women C1 in the Olympics”? No what little I know about boating, swimming, boat building, history of canoeing and the likes, is but trivia and only serves to clog the pages. Important matter like “what plastic welder should I get” and “does this C1 skirt make my butt look big” are the real questions that the majority of this chat rooms readers want answers too.

I can not with a clear conscience give up the principle of free speech any more that I would force anyone to read my speech. No I will always tell the truth, but will never force anyone to read the truth, perhaps a member filter is the answer. Tommy C1 and marclemance again I can’t understand if my noise and presence is such a discomfort to you why you read my post, is it what I say or fact that I dare to say it that bothers you? You would have me silenced but I would never require you to read what I wrote, you northerners truly amazed me. Lengthy and longboat who have received more grief and hasher words than any yet they are man enough to be bested by me in every exchange (both on water and in this chat room) and yet they take their defeats like men and appear to hold no grudge. Yet a total losers, loses yet again and rather than try harder or keep his mouth shut he goes crying to the admins (on this and other sites).He lack the abilty to influence or entertainer

Not long ago the main admin got on here and in what appeared to be a moment of self pity bemoaned the fact that this site wasn’t what it was or what he had planned for it to be (I don’t think he ever watch any of his kids grow up) and wonder aloud if he should just shut it down. I told him then and now, “take pride in what you started and realize what it has become is what it has become, don’t kill it because it didn’t reach your expectations, at worst give it away, and still take pride in what you have done”.

I never say never (except when it comes to the question if I will ever paddle a butt boat) so I won’t say I will never post on cboats again, but I won’t change or gag myself because other don’t want to hear the truth. So I will say good bye but extend a offer to paddle with any and to almost all, you will always find shelter and as much hospitality as I can extend.

Polls I never got around to posting, all funny but irrelevant to this chat room apparently:

How many on here paddled the Green before 1990?
How many own over thirty boats?
How many knew Bill Nealy?
How many knew Nolan before he was building his own boats?
How many on here ever paddle with Dick Wooten
How many on here paddled with Jessie Sharp
How many people have you introduced to the sport?
How many people have you introduced or helped instruct who have become an influence in the sport.
How many have had an offspring make a US team (Sr.or Jr.)?
How many have worked in the WW industry since 1988?
How many of you have paddle Henderson, Overflow, North Pole, Basin, Rio De Oro….ect ect.?
How many of you have Louie taken on some river you shouldn’t have been on but didn’t die?
How many butt boater have you converted to canoe?
How many Kayakers have you sleep with?
How many of you have or had, full or part time work with three different canoe companies?
How many have work whitewater in more than one foreign country?.
How many first D’s do you have in this country?
How many first D’s do you have out of this country?
How many of you live in a twelve month a year boating season, location?

Much more extensive and expensive behavioral modification, by some of the country's larger corporations,have failed to change me so don’t be disappointed in your efforts I will close with one final questions to the admins, I guess calling Phil inbreed or Palin a ***t would pretty much make sure I never made the calendar again, right?
Sorry to have not conformed

Michael B Lewis (Louie)
404 Kingston Street
Lenoir City, Tennessee 37771
865 986 9993
803 319 1719

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:03 am
by Smurfwarrior
dam, and I thought the fun would be starting back up on Monday. Not good.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:26 am
by yarnellboat
Too bad he really needs that badly to call people vorboten names. Wrong "C"-Forum. Seems to me a petty issue to keep all that experience & opinion off of this forum. I figured southern men would just shake it off. Oh well, our loss.

I didn't even know Palin was a kayaker.

Keep on keepin' on Louie.

Cheers, Pat.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:25 am
by dwd58
Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie, Lou-ie

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:02 pm
by BigNasty
"Good-bye curel boatertalk!!"

Oh wait this is.... a different paddling forum!

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:12 pm
by PAC
Folks please respect others when posting as to both use of language and content! Remember.... this is supposed to be every canoeist’s forum!

Louie.... I for one hope you decide to come back to visit upon occasion ...with insight, wisdom and light humor! With respect Paul C.

followin louie

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:23 pm
by pmp
well, i only understand about 52% of what louie says, fortunately he uses more words than most so i eventually understand his thought :wink:
-anyway, at the very least it will be a drag to have to follow this forum and whatever one louie moves to.
- I think that louie has the only posts that can, in the same sentence, offend and then cause you to snort your cornflakes as you laugh.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:51 pm
by Sir Adam
Not sure why Louie didn't post that himself tomorrow, but that is up to him.

As mentioned previously, he, and all, are welcome with their knowledge (and humor) as long as they follow our ground rules of respecting others (yes, even kayakers to a certain extent :wink: ).

That was awfully lucid for Louie :lol:

I do hope he chooses to rejoin us, less a bit (but not all) of the abrasiveness.

I do want to comment on one thing he clearly felt slighted by - he's been here about half as long as the forum. He deserves the same rights and respect as everyone else. My point was meant to be that he wasn't here from day one, and didn't get any special priveledges (none of us do - if anything the moderators don't get to saw what they REALLY think a lot of the time :roll: ), as FullGnarlzOC had felt he deserved a break. I personally think what Louie has done outside of CBoats is FAR more important and impressive to the CBoating community, but that doesn't get him a break either. We don't care who you are, if you are here you have to play by the rules that have been slowly worked out for the site. It's not perfect. It never will be.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:58 pm
by cheajack
Now that Louie is gone maybe there will be a lot more posts of boats in the back of pick up trucks.

hate to see this

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:53 pm
by bobthepainter
it's a sad day you lost a great c boater...

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:02 pm
by oopsiflipped
bwess his widdle hart

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:34 pm
by craig
Oh carp, I'll miss his sharp wit and unique sense of humor. As a yankee it took me a while to get it, but eventually I did. It's a small world so I'm sure I'll see him around even if he won't come north of the Mason- Dixon line :) . Thanks for all you've done Louie!

Re: A message from Louie

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:40 pm
by ice-breaker
I always had a good laugh reading your posts Louie, and looked for the occasional jewel amongst your words. Here's another one.
cmnypny wrote:To my friends on Cboats ....
Not long ago the main admin got on here and in what appeared to be a moment of self pity bemoaned the fact that this site wasn’t what it was or what he had planned for it to be (I don’t think he ever watch any of his kids grow up) and wonder aloud if he should just shut it down. I told him then and now, “take pride in what you started and realize what it has become is what it has become, don’t kill it because it didn’t reach your expectations, at worst give it away, and still take pride in what you have done”.
best to you.


Michael "Louie"

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:54 pm
by bigspencer07
A true member from an era of a working democracy. Going to miss you Louie.


Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:35 pm
by mahyongg
Wow, another testament to the fact that I should never ever stop following my fav boating forum for so long as a month or two..

Of course, when I came in, first post I click on is the one titled "Message from Louie"

Now I'll have to wrap my head around all that - and I hope I will meet you on some sort of river at some point, Louie!
