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Run of River Projects

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:13 am
by Mike Moody
Here is a good video clip. ... ted-parody

We don't want to loose our rivers!


Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:37 am
by Longboatin
thanks for the post mike. It does seem strange that eventhough our choice of recreation here requires water, not much traffic on the site about environmental issues. Sure there are some hints, like Wendys post in another thread mentioning compressed air cars, but unfortunately only hints.

Personally, i've been struggling with the amounts of fuel used to get to the river, run shuttle etc. Sure we boat paddle power, but transportation issues really seem to put us inline wid the motorboaters and jetskiers.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:20 pm
by kaz
Longboatin', I think the same way about how much it costs to go boating. That's the main reason why I sold my van and now drive a Honda Civic. Maybe we should all get rid of our big honkin' four times fours, and get an economical car. I know, I know, blasphemy!


Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:42 pm
by Todhunter
kaz wrote:Longboatin', I think the same way about how much it costs to go boating. That's the main reason why I sold my van and now drive a Honda Civic. Maybe we should all get rid of our big honkin' four times fours, and get an economical car. I know, I know, blasphemy!

I drive a 1990 Honda Civic with 305,000 miles. According to many, it should have come off the road a LONG time ago. But I paid $1500 for it 6 years ago, and since I can work on it myself, it is cheap, reliable, and still gets around 30 mpg, even with boats on top.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:44 pm
by marclamenace
This is all so true. Get a fuel efficient car is sure one thing, carpooling is also a good way to reduce your impact.

Myself I mostly won't drive much more than two hours (with at least two people in the car) for a one day river. But I would (and have to) drive more for a multi-days trip...

Some river are located near enough of a railroad to provide train transportation or shuttle also.


Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:08 pm
by Longboatin
kaz +1 on the 4banger

marmy, train infrastructure smooth enough to actually use it to boat i think is but a wet dream in u.s.

I believe lengthy boated a river on his yearly canada trip that utilized a train for shuttle to the putin