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Skookumchuck Creek in a canoe??

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:26 am
by oc ender
Putting together a trip in early to mid July.It's a run on the Skookumchuck Creek.

The setting.A world class run on a remote creek in the cedar and pine forest in the mountains of Southern BC.It consists of 17km(10.5mile),class 4 pool and drop.It's not super steep(by BC standards),but full of drops and constrictions.

Legend has it there have been many boats lost,epic walkouts and many a night spent in the cold ,sharing the forest with huge Grizzly Bears.Sometimes,they say,if you are very quiet and the wind is calm you can hear crying and wimpering coming from the creek,???

The water level in July would be med/med-low,totally manageable.The days will be long,about 19hrs of daylight,so your nights in the dark will be short and not to scary.And it get hot,hot,hot,at least 40F :lol: (actually closer to 85-90)

The region has about 20 other rivers to paddle,so you can make it a great paddling holiday to make it worth while coming out.As if the Skook isn't enough!

I know there are lots of paddlers out west,and a few from the east that come out each year.So lets make a plan and get on one of BC's best.

I'm a member of a large canoe club so there will be a few others coming along,but this run isn't for the faint of heart,so be able to run class 4,all day.It should take 6-7 hrs with a large group,some do it in 4hrs,but....Scouting takes up time,so boat scouting most of the run.For the most part,there's no road to walk out on,just a 2000ft ridge to climb over,or a river to follow to get to the road.

It'll be another great adventure,on a beautiful creek with good people.It gets run alot(by BC standards) and there's a rudementary guage to keep up to date for levels.A great resource is Calpaddle,a kayaking site that posts are made of the current levels and hazards.

Make the plans,be committed and lets go boatin'


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:21 am
by skooks
Contact Einar. He has paddled Skookumchuck in an open boat. I was in my Kayak right behind him and was very happy to see his combat roll work in the middle of a gnarly drop. I have run it a couple of times and your description is pretty accurate. We put on late on our first trip and didn't get off the river until around 10:00 at night. Running the last few class 4 drops in the dark was something I won't soon forget. Read Stewart Smith's guide book and pay attention to the water levels. You don't want it above the lower footings on the takeout bridge. I missed a high-water trip on Skookumchuck due to car trouble and judging by the tails of terror and wide eyes back at camp I am glad I wasn't there.

Tons of other rivers to paddle in the area as well. Do not miss the upper White.


The 'chuck

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:27 am
by Einar
Your info is as good as it gets for an oc run on Skookumchuck Cr.

Bring an oc boat that likes horizon line drops, lots of them. It's 5+ hours of steady going. Bring an oc roll.
We didn't do much scouting, it was "run it when you see's it" style.

Watch the levels.
Check sat. photos to see what direction to hike out from different sections in case of problems. Wrong choice is a bummer, a real bummer. There can be the ocassional abandoned boat on the bank.
Great run though, just absolutely great.
Good luck. Post back with any photos, we were too busy. And it got a little dark. ':o'

When I am in the Koots I would do the Upper White twice, do the lower Bull Canyon, and do the lower White in a ww tandem. Long day= 7+ hours, 2 days/overnight is a good choice for playing. Stunning Rocky Mt views, best in the sunshine.
On the Bull I camp on the Quinn and take the headwaters pass to the Upper White to move the camp.
Have fun & don't forget to write.

Skookumchuck Creek in a canoe??

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 1:45 pm
by oc ender
Great,thanks for the reply and advice.We hit the Upper White,The Elk(upper lower) and the Bull each year.The Quinn is a awesome camp spot.We'er trying for Aug. long weekend at the Bull,if you're around...

Sounds like the two of you should make the trip.Plan now,there'll be plenty to rescue and boat recon!!Likely one or two 'yakkers' to tag along for probes.

I know a few others that did it in OC a few years back,but they don't want to tackle it again.(too much adventure)

The plan is to run it pretty low,as stated.Arrive the day before,do the long shuttle(an hour or so),camp at the put in and get an early start.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:18 pm
by Dooleyoc-1
Is Skookumchuck Creek near Whistler? It looks great on video. I would love to get out to BC some year in July to run Callaghan, Skookumchuck Creek and a couple of others that I've been looking at.

I doubt I will be able to come in 2011 because of some other trips that are already on the books but maybe 2012...


Dooley out West

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:59 pm
by Einar
Come on out.. You are defintely on our radar and welcome.

"Skookumchuck" is a composite of two words from the initial contact between native and whites. You will see it used in several place names in B.C. The word faded from local language in the 50-60's but the place names are everywhere.
Skookum means "big, large, worthy, of consequence.
Chuck means water, as in salt chuck. The most famous place name is Skookumchuck Narrows, a salt water tidal rapid, north of Pender Harbour, a world destination for surfing. Big time park and play.

There is a Skookumchuck Creek near Whistler but I haven't done it.
The Skookumchuck Creek we are referring to flows into the Kooteney River, north of the town of Cranbrook. On Goggle Earth this Skook'. at
Lat 115d 46'21.5/W
Long 49d 54'41.98/N

oc ender is a little closer to the Koots than me although he is our neighbour too, only 12 hrs drive and 3 mountain ranges away. I'm Pm'ing him to see what we can get going.
Once you get out this way Dooley you might just want to leave a hull or two and come back annually. We are over creeked and under paddler'ed.

Skookumchuck Creek in a canoe??

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:40 pm
by oc ender
That there is a BIG 10-4 !!I have access to some boats.We could get you a L'edge,if needed.I think our neighberhood Esquif dealer has a Spanish Fly and l'edge to rent.Hafta' check for sure,but gettin' a boat out here won't pose much of a problem.Just need dates and details and 'tween here and the folks on the coast we'll get 'er dunn!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:13 pm
by Yukon
I WOULD be up for this at some point in time, probably will not happen this year.My mom lives in Sparwood. When does the season start and end down there?
I need to leave a canoe at my moms, I have an Extra Viper 12

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:15 pm
by Yukon
wopps double post

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:27 pm
by Wiggins
I would be up for this depending on when. This year might be tough unless it just happens to be on my days off as I already have a Grand Canyon, hades's Canyon, and a Rogue River trip in the works. Next year definitely would work.



Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:55 am
by Einar
Sounds busy Kyle. We are trying to get on the Rogue in Sept.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:23 pm
by Wiggins
I was there in mid Sept. last year. I hope you have better luck with the weather. It was enough to make me roll the dice on a August permit!


Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:15 am
by rockyboater
I could be persuaded to give it a shot. That one's been on my radar for a while and its just never worked out. Herd its epic day and really committing.
Paul, I see your from Sundre. I'm just wondering if we paddled the Highwood river together a few years back with Ryan?

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:04 am
by skooks
I'd love to join you guys in the Koots. I can't commit yet but I'll keep in touch with Einar about what the plans are as they shape up. Skookumchuck is highly recommended at the right levels!

Skookumchuck Creek in a canoe??

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:56 am
by oc ender
Hey,right on,yup that's me.Howya' doin?

Yeah,the Skook is a must do,i'm sort of surprised you havn't been on it.It's right up your alley.If you come along we won't need any kayakers for probes.You and Ryan are among the best boaters i've seen.

I was impressed to see the pic. Ryan Creary took of you pulling off a rescue on the Highwood.Looked like BIG WATER.The log jam is almost at water level which would normally be 10 feet above!!Very cool,your famous.

I kinda' lost touch with Ryan,although i saw him on the Red Deer last year teaching a big group.If you could convince him to come along,that would be terriffic.

I know it's along way in the future,but it should make it a easier for more people to plan,the more the merrier.I'll be difficult to set an actual date,just watch calpaddle for appropriate levels.But early July likely.

By the way,headed to Rogers Pass March 12-16 to get some deep blower, or long alpine runs,interested??

Keep in touch,have a few Highwood runs planned this year(may 14??june 5 and 18th),and a Bull tip on Aug. long weekend.Aswell as many others,but those are the trips i'm coordinating.Love to get on the Bobbie Burns also,but perhaps another year.I'll keep you posted.What's you schedule like these days,footloose or a little bit anchored?