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Hip Pad size/shape

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:18 pm
by Gord
I am tweeking my L'Edge bulkhead/saddle system.

I am adding more side wall foam to increase my knee contact with the chine of the boat and adding hip pads to connect my hips.

Does anybody have a hip pad design that they really like and doesn't rip out over time with getting in or out of the boat?

In other words, what shape should I cut the gip pads?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:12 pm
by rockyboater
When you buy the cupped knee pads they come with the pieces they cut out of the middle. Those pieces work really well as a hip pad. I cut mine so they go from flush at the bottom to full size at the top where your hip make contact. Because of the taper there is no worry of getting stuck or ripping them out. Here's a picture that kind of shows what I mean. not a great angle though.


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:44 pm
by Gord

Did you place the pads so they contact the hip at the joint and how snug are they?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:16 pm
by rockyboater
I put mine as high as they could go. You want them close but as long as there is good contact. Make the fit as tight as you want it. This boat I have about half an inch on either side. I didn't want it to tight as I lend out the boat a fair bit.