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Whitewater Rescue Course

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:10 pm
by ESP
I had the pleasure of participating in a very professional WWRC led by WayneGman this past weekend. It is the first course of its kind that I have attended in 17 years of boating and quite frankly I was very foolish for not having done so long ago. Even if you have a great deal of experience this type of training will reinforce skills that have been learned through the school of hard knocks and also add a great deal more to your bag of tricks. Wondering how useful this type of course has been for other OC1ers.

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:08 pm
by jatakasawa
Gumpy and I already used Wayne's neat little "flick" trick for getting the rope back to the person with the bag. Do a 1-2-3 count and hop the rope up and down like you're playing jump-rope. On three, the person at the end releases and the person with the bag gives a wrist-flick and that baby comes sailin'.(Watch your face if there's a 'biner on the end.) Keeps the rope and 'biner from catching on rocks. Of course, there was much more useful stuff than this during the class but I hope I never need to use some of that stuff!

I feel like I have a good general understanding of rope systems, Z-drags, prussics, pulleys etc. The foot entrapment and vertical pin stabilization technique were priceless in themselves!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:28 pm
by Cheeks
I took that class as well. As good as the knowledge is, what was most valuable for me was just seeing these scenarios play out so that you can see just what needs to happen to rescue someone. I feel like if I'm ever called upon to use those skills, it won't be incredibly foreign to me.