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New River Multi day beta??
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:23 pm
by nrjoel
Hey there friends....
I'm looking into planning a Multi-Day Class 2/3- River Canoeing Expedition in the Fall for a University group. In the past I've done sections the French Broad in NC and some sections of the Buffalo in Ar.
This is a beginner group and looking to travel down river 7-14 days (hopefully as wilderness of an experience as possible) teaching techniques and skills. Anyone have any beta or old trip plans they care to share. Fall is a tough time and doing it in the SE seems to make this goal even tougher.
Ive heard sections of the NEW might be a possible option. Thanks!! Nate
Re: New River Multi day beta??
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:30 pm
by MrTgrips
You should get in touch with Dr.Phillip Prince (geologist and open boater extaordinare). He is in the Blacksburg, VA area.
Re: New River Multi day beta??
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:08 am
by kabuki_blaze
I have done a few multi-day trips on the WV section of the New, putting in at Sandstone and taking out at Curnard. This is an amazing multi-day trip with great camping and some nice 2-3 rapids. The put-in is dependent on flow and how much time you have...
Re: New River Multi day beta??
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:55 pm
by nrjoel
Thanks!! What level should we look for? We will have plenty of time. Primitive camping would be ideal. I have not done any paddling in that area but would love to check it out.
Re: New River Multi day beta??
Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:29 pm
by kabuki_blaze
There is always "enough" water, you just have to adjust your distance based on the time you have...The latest trip I did this summer was from Glade Creek to Fayette station, which took us three days at low flow, negative at Fayette station. There is great primitive camping throughout the gorge. There are even several good spots that have good access from the road, if you wanted to supply the trip or have others join in the camping fun. If levels are good, (4-8 feet at F. station), then a good three day trip would be Sandstone to Curnard. If levels are low I would just pick a put-in farther downstream. This is really one of the best multi-day river trips on the east coast, with hardly anyone on it...
A quick suggestion, go to one of the NPS visitor centers and ask for a river guide (these are not out, you must have for them), it is very helpful with planning and river running.
Re: New River Multi day beta??
Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:18 pm
by jalopyjockey" onclick=";return false; ... xbws.shtml" onclick=";return false;
Re: New River Multi day beta??
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:15 am
by arhdc
Plus one on the upper New in WV. It has great camping and is scenic. We do a family overnight trip every summer and have a great time. It is a big powerfull river and the upper is actually more challenging at low summer levels than at slightly higher flow. There are about 45 miles of nice river between the Bluestone dam an the beginning of the gorge proper.
Our favorite overnight is from Sanstone to McKreery. I would contact the Redneck Kayak Club if you want local opinions. They are an AW affiliate out of Beckley WV.