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Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:24 pm
by jlc22
For those of you using Lipo batteries with your bilge pump. What is the mah capacity of your battery? How long does it last or do you just recharge after every trip?. Are you using a pack with a built in circuit board to prevent over discharge or are you using a standard battery pack like you'd use with an RC car?

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:10 pm
by Shep
I don't, and haven't, used a Lithium-based battery, but I think you run serious risk of a fire between your legs if you don't have a circuit board. LiIon, for instance, is much lower internal resistance than Lead-Acid or Nickel-Cadmium, and can therefore arc and overheat much more quickly.

Hope this helps,

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:12 pm
by Todhunter
Are you asking specifically for Li-Po, or for Li-Ion also? I am using a Li-Ion pack, 4400 mAh, 14.8V, with built in circuit. I've never drained the battery, so I can't tell you how long it lasts...I heard it was bad to drain Li-Ion batteries. I typically go about 3 trips without charging it though.

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:40 pm
by leclercraven
You'll need this : 12V 3800mAh Flat NiMH DC Power Battery Pack (10)

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:28 pm
by Gord
Where can you get batteries for a pump? I may put one in my L'Edge. I am leaning towards Li for the low weight, but am open to suggestions

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:34 pm
by Shep
Hmmm. Looking here: ... packs.aspx" onclick=";return false;

It does look like the Lithium Polymer batteries don't have the pre-installed protection circuits that the LiIon do. That would suggest that they are less likely to discharge too quickly and cause fire or explosion. I do see, though, that they still recommend an over-discharge protector. That would protect you from ruining your battery, but it doesn't sound like that would be a dangerous failure mode.

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:03 pm
by philcanoe
Doesn't a battery charge really depend upon...

... how dry the boater paddles, perhaps the boat he's in, and which run he happens to be on that day? For instance a day of steep creeking, might be considerable drier than one spent climbing up and over big waves.

Not that I'd really know...:)

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:23 pm
by cheajack
SLA. Cheap. Simple. Long lasting. And adds less than 2# more than expensive ones that short out when wet.

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:26 am
by Wendy
I use to use Lithium set up but the battery drains more quickly in the cold. I changed to this set up and have been very happy. ... light.aspx" onclick=";return false;

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:38 am
by sbroam
Wendy wrote:I use to use Lithium set up but the battery drains more quickly in the cold. I changed to this set up and have been very happy. ... light.aspx" onclick=";return false;
What kind of runtime do you get with that Wendy?

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:48 am
by jlc22
I'm really just trying to get a general idea of what everyone is using and a ball park on how long a charge last. My experience with lipo batteries comes from playing with RC cars. Here's the battery I was looking at, but it looks like it may be over kill based on what you guys are using. ... ack-1.aspx" onclick=";return false;

For the ones using NIMH and SLA, in general how long will a charge last and what kind of overall life do you get from your packs? 1 season, 1 year ect. How long before you notice a decline in performance?

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 12:07 pm
by cheajack
I have used a 12v 2.3aH (I think) for six days without charge. Batteries last several years but I'm a 30-40 day/year paddler. I carry a spare (in the car, not in the boat) and tend to change it out after 2-3 days just to be safe. I have seen Wendy's set up and it looks sweet.

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:21 pm
by Wendy
I had a River Runners Lithium battery set up. IT worked great except in the winter. During three seasons it would last for 3-4 trips depending on type rivers. HOwever in the winter in the cold this decreased in half. I found if I stored the battery in the heated part of the house it helped, but cold really affected that set up over SLA and NiMd.

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:27 pm
by fez
I use a 14,8 V , 5000mAh Lipo and just love it. I recharge it after every trip since I deep charged one Lipo once which it didn`t like. But it lasts maybe 2 or 3 trips if it has to.
There is one important point you have to care for: don`t discharge under 3,3V each cell. I havn`t put a discharging guard in my set up yet. It doesnt like deep temperatures lower 0 C.
I use it because I HATE to carry heavy boats.

Re: Lipo bilge pump batteries

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:04 pm
by Jon
I use two 7.2 v 3,000 ma NiMh RC car batteries = 14.4v. You can get a charger that runs of 12 v dc / 120 v ac, and goes to trickle once fully charged so you don't have to monitor them when charging, and so you can recharge anywhere your car is. I typically use it for a weekend and then re-charge. The 3000 ma are really cheap now (you can get more capacity for more $). I've used the same batteries for 4 or 5 years now and they appear just fine. Compared to what the RCers do to them, running a pump doesn't even warm them up, let alone cause them to break into a sweat.

I attach the Pelican box with the batteries to the pump and then strap the whole thing around the pedestal with ties to the knee (Mikey) strap anchor and this way I can move the setup from boat to boat. Really great for a tandem - I'm only good for just so many lifts in a day.

Once during the winter and again during the summer I discharge the batteries fully with a 12v auto brake light and recharge just to exercise them. Talk to your local RC hobby shop about care and feeding and options if you want to try something else.