Please keep your eyes out for these boats for sale at boatertalk or craigslist.Someone "borrowed" two of our kayaks, two paddles, two helmets, two lifejackets and two neoprene skirts from our kayak trailer this weekend. We forgot to give them keys to the padlocks on the trailer so they had to cut them off - so silly. They also neglected to ask us permission to use the boats and gear. As much as we love kayaking and want others to grow their own brand of kayaking passion, we do need our gear back. Now that I think of it, they MUST be new to kayaking! They probably don't know that two new Mamba 8.1 kayaks (one is red/yellow and the other is blue/white) will stand out like sore thumbs when they come to understand how tight-knit the kayaking community is. Please post this on Facebook and send this email around to ALL your kayaking friends. Please tell the folks who "borrowed" our gear I can be reached at for the safe return of our gear and an apology. Soon they will realize there isn't a body of water they can paddle those boats with being . . . . . noticed!
Take care,
Kevin Tobin
Owner / Peak Experiences Inc.
Director / Passages Adventure Camp" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
804-897-6800 (f) 804-897-5476
stolen boats from a summer camp in Richmond
Moderators: kenneth, sbroam, TheKrikkitWars, Mike W., Sir Adam, KNeal, PAC, adamin
stolen boats from a summer camp in Richmond
I put the notice in our stolen boats page but want to let y'all know here as well:
C-boats Moderator
"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing-absolutely nothing-half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."
"Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing-absolutely nothing-half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats."