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Shacho reviews

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:35 pm
by Chuck Wilkison
I am looking for reviews from those that have paddled the new Shacho millbrook boat.

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:49 pm
by avlclimber

(I'm thinking shorter/lighter viper 11 with softer chines that still turns briskly and glides fast?) and drier ends?

let us know, yall. I am also interested in how the heavy layup option realistically holds up to delicate rockslides and boofs.

and what's up with the extreme tumblehome? inquiring minds...

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:03 pm
by zappaddles
Bring it on.

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:55 am
by Longboatin
Ok, I know Ed will be writing up a review, so I will offer this impression. I paddled the shacho on a short course in piddly rapid, LY. it did everything I wanted it to. It handles nothing like a viper. I was very suprised at how fast and slippery the hull is. I would definitely like to spend more time in the boat.
Things im still wondering about. Dryness, the boat looks to me like it might be wet on a little bigger stuff. the edges, and the jury still out on big radius ends for me.
Only minus for me is boats had hipblocks. If u wanna attach ur boat to your hips, get a kayak.
Outfitted with I guess standard Kaz setup, all three boats had similar saddle, straps, etc. Worked great, i did nothing but jump in Eds boat and felt comfortable. One sharp package put together by Kaz, the boats looked awesome.

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:55 pm
by ESP
My impressions of the Shacho for the inquiring minds who want to know.
1) Build quality is excellent. The finish is smooth and shiny on the exterior and very smooth on the interior. Very nice vacuum bagging. The boats all had a heavy duty layup. Extra kevlar layer in the bow and stern as well as the complete bottom of the canoe up 8" on the sides. Mine weighs 35 pds completely outfitted minus the air bags.
2) Outfitting included bag cages, pedestal, double strap padded thigh straps from esquif. Knee pads were provided so that they could be glued in where you liked them. No footpegs were included. Nicely done! Personally I will be putting footpegs in mine.
3) Speed/maneuverability/handling. The Shacho is very close to the same speed as my Inferno and responds quickly to all paddling strokes. It is much more user friendly than the Inferno. Stability is very good, about the same as the Option and slightly less than the Outraged. It has a definate primary and secondary stability with a smooth transition.
4) The boat is extremely dry. I purposely went through some curlers incorrectly and observed that the bow displaced most of the water off to the sides. With a little blocking you can stay almost completely dry. It stay very dry while surfing as well. I can honestly say that I could probably have done the entire Lower Yough with one or two dumps. When the boat is rolled it only has between 1"-2" of water in the bottom.
5) The heavy layup is quite sturdy and can handle abuse. I wacked the stern real hard coming off a boof and hit a rock sideways while helping to recover another boater and gear. There are no stress marks on the boat from those engagements.
6) The end product is a great boat that I would have no qualms of putting a new canoeist into and yet it has fantastic performance for the most demanding canoeist.

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:43 am
by BAD paddle
That sounds really great-- any comments on recommended paddler weight? I'm 6'1"/ 190 and am really enjoying paddling both a Whitesell Descender and a 2010 outrage-- lots of class III this summer. Rolling both sides on both boats, and having a ball. With the two round bottom boats I'd like to add an edgier, shorter boat to the pile.

Next part of the problem: The 100 lb girrrrrl friend would really like to WW canoe "sometimes" in a boat she could portage on her head. Preferrably a boat that she could grow with.

I've been thinking "Zephyr" and saving pennies for one, but 'have to say the only canoe she's fallen in love with is the Shacho, which, good looks aside, is a perfect fit for her. ("I like that green one!-- it's such a beautiful boat") But the reality is, whatever we get, I'll paddle it way more than she will. The Rayge is another possibility, but looking at the specs, it's hard to imagine there's really more volume to be had and looking at the Shacho's tumblehome, it seems pretty clear which one is going to roll dryer!

It seems like a Millbrook post from several months back mentioned that the Shacho wet surface area was similar to the Rumba, and the Rumba sounded pretty doable for a 190lb'er-- So, BIG QUESTION: is that still true now that the boat is really here?

No chance for a demo, as I'm on the west coast--- (unless I borrow one from the next shipment to Japan!)

Any moderately "big guy" experience with the Shacho yet? THANKS!

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:02 pm
by arhdc
I'll chime in and say that one of the three new Shacho's that was out last weekend is owned by someone who is 15-30 lbs heavier than you at 190 (not shure what he weighs now but more than you) and it seems to handle it fine.

Bryan, give us big guys the scoop.

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:10 pm
by bruce
I'm 185 lbs & 5'10" & the boat worked great for me. Good hull speed,
fast acceleration and extremely dry after 15 minutes of hard surfing &
shredding in Cucumber (Yough). NOT for paddle draggers! but very stable for a high performance boat.

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:14 pm
by BAD paddle
Sounds like I'm going to be making more work for Kaz, poor guy!

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 2:26 am
by avlclimber
can someone talk about the chines and carving? How she slides into eddies or gets tripped up in cross currents? Would you compare the boat's turning performance to an Outrage? Ocoee? Det? Probe? What about the response time moving from edge to edge? (some people call this tippyness :)

Clearly it's nimble, but how so?

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:37 pm
by kaz
Thanks for all of the feedback! Glad you like the boat. :wink:

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:05 pm
by Craig Smerda
the next solo Kaz boat will be called the Instigator :wink:

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:52 pm
by ESP
I think John can answer questions about handling and weight range better than me but it appears that he isn't going to so I will give it my best try. To begin with it is not a round hull or a flat hull. Lets call it a semi displacemnt hull which has some of the characteristics of both. When initially getting in the boat it does not feel tippy. It has definate primary and secondary stability. You must drive the boat for control. If you are floater you will be a swimmer in many rapids. It can be controlled easily with the hips and knees. I was able to change direction with hip control and no strokes. I personally feel the chines are pretty forgiving. The boat goes where you point it and doesn't surprise you when going into eddies. Bryan weighs over 200 lbs and it worked well for him. Dale probably weighs 140 lbs and it did well for him as well. The first Shacho with standard layup weighs 26 lbs completely outfitted mius the airbags. The heavy duty layup I obtained weighs 35 lbs. It is a boat that many people will enjoy.

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:25 pm
by kaz
Thanks Ed. Over the years I have found that it is best to let the "end user" describe and talk about the boat, otherwise you would just be listening to my slightly biased b.s. on how great the boat is.

Re: Shacho reviews

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:45 pm
by canotrouge
What would be great Kaz, is what was the thinking behind the design. Why is the shape the way it is, the length the way it is, and so on....
Thank you