Ok, I have never been on the Tohickon and I have no details other than TonyB says to come and that there is a release scheduled for 11/03/12 SAT 10:00am-2:00pm according to the DCNR. He also called it Tohickon Fest (Tohickonfest) and indicated there was a great (if cold) time to be had.
Calling TonyB, we need details!
If anyone besides TonyB (you know who you are) has any info please feel free to share.
Moderators: We know that TonyB will ask for this to be stickied so we might as well beat him to the punch
I'm hopefully going to be watching a different creeking race that day about 500 miles south, and will miss my first Toh Fest since I started boating, which is a bummer. Y'all have a great time.
And confirm with Mark Zak, but I'm pretty sure there is not going to be a race with different classes that won't be lots of fun and doesn't culminate in a beer shotgunning race. Like I said, if the last two years were indicative, that won't be happening
aaron the release times are a bit longer than that. You can usually get later afternoon runs. some people get that third run in and get off at 5. there is a small piece of ground to pitch tents. you should do this not too late. if for some reason there was a ban on camping at the takeout you would go to tohickon valley park and camp at the deer run campground. (very small sign) about 1 mile from the takeout. Its a show up kind of place and the ranger would find you for $17
the boyscouts have food at the putin. dogs, chili, snacks, drinks, etc....you daughter would love it. Katelyn will not be there as I'm joining cheeks at the green/tallulah for a long week.
there is a deli within walking distance that you can get to that has good breakfast and coffee but you should plan to be there by 8 if you want the very limited seating. My experience with katelyn is that you should make great food the corner stone of every paddling trip.
You can flat paddle the delaware a bit with her there as the takeout is the confluence with the Delaware. you can setup a mile or more shuttle. there is a walking bridge at bulls island that she would likely enjoy looking down to the river. It is right at the black bass hotel if you want to look that up or just google map it and look downstream of point pleasant, Pa.
if it wasn't mentioned the takeout for the releases is kittatinny canoe parking lot $5 a day.
The Tohickon drops at 42 fpm for 4 miles, for an overall drop of about 160 feet. That's almost the size of Niagara Falls!
Translation: Go get your boof on. Boof Niagara Falls in 1-2 foot increments. There are so many sick boofs, water boofs, rock boofs, you just can't miss. Sometimes you have to attain to get to that other boof that looked money from the boof you were currently boofing.
After a lap on the Tohickon, your spine should be sore from the shear impact of that much verticality. Club boaters should skirt rapids in fear of being hit from the spray coming from the massive bow wave you generate airing out an 8-inch slaying. I hope to get angry calls from all the club boaters demanding to know why such a complete and utter shitshow was released upon the masses, and wanting to know why every eddy was cleared out by a massive barge soaring through the air like a pelican giving birth midflight. I expect, no, I request that.
Have fun y'all,
Interim Ambassador
Office of Canoe/Kayak Relations
Creeker got it right but take out isnt Kittatiny but Bucks County River Country, (unless it got bought it up recently), its at the confluence of Tohickon and Delaware, ran by and benifitting the local fire company.
Releases are Sat and Sunday, usually less crouded on Sunday.
There is also an easy mile of class I-II above the put-in great for beginners.
The main Toh itself builds from class II quickly to class III that can be sped down in an hour or played all day. Shuttle is quick for multiple laps.
and is a hotspot for local boaters and people passing thru.