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WWOCD Nationals

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:37 pm
by jcowen
Looking for something to do in June? How about heading to the Nantahala in North Carolina for the ACA's Whitewater Open Canoe Downriver National Championships! Same race course as last year, from Patton's Run to Nantahala Falls. If the bid moves forward as written the event will have a different format, shifted early in the day to avoid the regular river traffic.

June 16th - Practice Day

June 17-19th - Race Days with Sprints (through Patton's Run) at 7:30am followed by the Downriver race at 8:45am. Each day the divisions competing in Sprints will be the same as the divisions competing in Downriver.

June 17th - OC-2 Men and OC-1 Women
June 18th - OC-2 Mixed and OC-2 Jr/Sr
June 19th - OC-2 Women and OC-1 Men

With racing done by noon each day there'll be plenty of time for play-boating in the afternoons or time to enjoy other opportunities in the Great Smoky Mtns.

(The back-up dates listed on the bid, if for some reason the 16 - 19th doesn't work out, are June 23-26.)

Hope the users of come join the fun! I'll post additional details as they become available.