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Blackfly option airbag question
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:22 pm
by kmcinturff
After ten years in my Prelude, I finally gave in and got a new Blackfly option. As Gaia no longer makes airbags, Blackfly now sends the Options without airbags. My thought was to use the Prelude airbags as those things are just bomber.
Well, when I put the bags from the Prelude into the Option, the length is fine, but the width seems too narrow, so the bag slopes steeply downward at each gunnel leaving a hole for water to get in.
I was thinking about the Harmony bags - Does anyone have experience with these in an Option? What size? Any other brand you would recommend?
Re: Blackfly option airbag question
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:46 pm
by milkman
Can't help with the airbag question, but as a fellow Prelude paddler who has never paddled or seen an Option up close, I'd be curious what your impression of it is in comparison to the Prelude. I've been curious, but not curious enough yet to reach for the checkbook.
Re: Blackfly option airbag question
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:40 pm
by 2opnboat1
Look at the Mohawk web site, our 48" bags should fit good, our bags are made by the same people that made GIa
Re: Blackfly option airbag question
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:28 pm
by Northwoodsbc
I have a Stinkeye. Similar to an Option. It's 8'8". I had 54" Harmony bags. They had the same problem you described, not filling out the boat near the wide end of the bag. The boat seemed to catch more water than it should when rolling.
I switched them out for some 48" bags from Mohawk. They fill the boat perfectly.
Re: Blackfly option airbag question
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:37 am
by kmcinturff
Thanks for the tips Richard and Marcus.
Milkman - Here is my impression. Keep in mind that I have only had it on the water one day compared to ten years in my Prelude. I will write a more thorough comparison after I have spent more time.
The Option is more stable - way more stable. Coming from a Prelude, almost annoyingly stable to the point where it is hard to lean it way over. I can easily stand up in it on flatwater. I was a little nervous when I first got in the boat as I hadn't so much as put it in a swimming pool before I jumped on the French Broad (I had been in friend's options though). About thirty seconds later, my nervousness was over as I discovered just how stable this thing is.
It is also much drier. About halfway into the trip, I began to take the wettest lines, with the biggest, most offset waves I could find, in an effort to try to flip the boat or swamp it (I am sure I will flip it next time just for saying that!). I rarely got water in the boat, and I never turned it over. I had to dump twice all day (I haven't put a pump in yet). The front end just lifts up and over waves much better than the Prelude.
Negatives - It is slower, but not by a huge amount. It does not snap into eddies nearly as quick, but still does pretty good - may be my technique as well. The fit and finish is no where near the Prelude, but the saddle is actually better,and the outfitting is better (I have the very latest wide saddle model, with improved thigh hooks). The color is awesome, but the seams look a little rough. There are a couple of blemishes. How come the Prelude is the only canoe with the Pyranha logo and fish emblem molded right into the plastic instead of stickers that look like crap after a few months?
I really have liked my Prelude - by far my favorite boat I have ever owned, but I think I will really like this one. You don't have to be on your toes nearly as much as the Prelude and at this point in my life I think this is just the boat I was looking for.
I tried a L'Edge as well, but it seemed like too much of a jump from the Prelude, and the Option seems like a better compromise for me as it seems to retain at least some of the snappiness and more of the playfullness. I did not try the L'Edge Lite - but that looks like it may be a winner as well.
My back was really hurting that day, so I didn't try to roll it yet.
Hope this helps.
Re: Blackfly option airbag question
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:34 pm
by milkman
Thanks for the comparison. With a spare Prelude up in the rafters, I won't be shopping anytime soon, but the Option does sound like an interesting canoe to try. A friend in the area is getting one soon and I look forward to a chance to see what it's like up close and personal. Not sure about the stability thing though--I like the low primary stability of the Prelude. I feel it helps me react to water conditions faster and have a better feel for what the water is doing with the boat.
Re: Blackfly option airbag question
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:40 pm
by arhdc
Just to 2nd what Richard said on Mohawk bags fitting Options, I personally have seen the new 48" Mohawk bags in an Option and they are a perfect fit.