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Moisie by NovaCraft

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:01 pm
by djutzi
Hey, wondering if anybody has a boat report on the new Moisie tandem whitewater tripper by NovaCraft?

I've seen a couple of media reviews but I'd love to hear from the c-boats community, especially if somebody has been using one for a while and can comment on durability, etc.


Re: Moisie by NovaCraft

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:08 pm
by DougB
No first hand experience with the boat but from what I've seen it appears to be copy of the Canyon, which is a copy of the Starburst.

Re: Moisie by NovaCraft

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:27 am
by Gord
I have been using the Moisie's all season for tripping and teaching tandem whitewater. I am very pleased with them

They are very close to the Starburst. A bit more rounded on the bottom and 2" deeper than the Starburst. These changes result in higher seats and a very dry boat. When the boat is empty, the high seats make the boat a bit less stable than the Starburst, but loaded, the boat is very stable.

Definitely one of the better whitewater tripping canoes out there.

Re: Moisie by NovaCraft

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:05 am
by ezwater
Somebody should try doing a copy of the Dagger Dimension. That would be worthwhile piracy.

Re: Moisie by NovaCraft

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:48 pm
by Dave.E
Never paddled one but it will be a solid boat for river tripping. To echo what others have said I have also heard that the mold is made from a starburst... Which is an awesome boat.

Because of the extra height it should be very similar to a Canyon.

Can't go wrong.