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L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:52 pm
by DougB
From Esquif's website, describing the double strap system available in the L'edge. Can anyone describe this or post a picture of it?

Re: L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:58 am
by DougB
Apparently this is not coming to market. Already removed from the website.

Re: L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:36 pm
by johnd
Has anyone successfully added thigh straps to the L'edge?

Re: L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:50 pm
by mahyongg
Why would you even want to? But then, it can't be harder than with every other PE Canoe:

- drill holes in the sides for side anchoring of straps
- use saddle w/ out bulkhead "wings" that extends forward enough to be held by thwart
- put something under/in saddle to anchor bottom side of straps (sheetmetal comes to mind.. maybe not directly under the saddle to create a hard spot, that's a no-no! Add at least a 1" piece of foam below the "notch"
- done

So.. why would you?

Re: L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:25 pm
by cheajack
Anchor the thigh straps to the rear thwart near the hull. Pass a 3/4" piece of PVC pipe through the saddle near the bottom where you want the second attachment and pass a piece of webbing through the pipe to use to attach the strap.

Re: L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 4:13 pm
by GSG
I added thigh straps to my ledge using the thwart bolts and passing a strap through the factory water transfer tube. Mind you this is in addition to the bulkhead, doubt it would be secure enough without the "wings".

Re: L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:53 am
by johnd
I don't have a reason for adding thigh straps. I'm sure it's a stupid idea. There, now we don't have to have another dull debate about canoe outfitting.

Re: L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 5:26 pm
by the great gonzo
mahyongg wrote:Why would you even want to? But then, it can't be harder than with every other PE Canoe:

- drill holes in the sides for side anchoring of straps
- use saddle w/ out bulkhead "wings" that extends forward enough to be held by thwart
- put something under/in saddle to anchor bottom side of straps (sheetmetal comes to mind.. maybe not directly under the saddle to create a hard spot, that's a no-no! Add at least a 1" piece of foam below the "notch"
- done

So.. why would you?
Well, Why would you?

Lets look at the advantages of a bulkhead vs. a thigh strap set-up:
  • -faster to get in and out of the boat
    -displaces slightly more water (depends on boat and saddle design, too)
Now, lets look at the advantages of a thigh strap outfitting:
  • -adjustability: A thigh strap system fits way more people of different body type than a bulkhead. Also it fits perfectly no matter whether one only wears shorts in the Summer or full dry gear in the Winter.
    -more secure fit: The thigh strap can be right in the crotch area, leading to a pretty much bomb proof fit in the boat. I have never came close to get the same in a bulkhead saddle, no matter what I tried.
    -integrated quick release/emergency release, depending on the type of buckle used. This is impossible to do with a bulkhead. The possibility of an entrapment in a stern pin is definitely there with a bulkhead outfitting.
    -If one is using a high saddle back in conjunction with straps , one can even do away with foot pegs.
I came to the conclusion that for me the advantages of a thigh strap outfitting outweighs the drawbacks.
All my boats have wither double straps (thigh and knee straps) or a very short knee block/bulkhead that just positions the knees and thigh straps. I have even been able to get rid of the foot pegs, which I find highly uncomfortable and annoying.
Not Elvis put a really cool double strap system into his Prelude. Maybe he can send you some pictures.

No bulkheads! No foot pegs! ;-) !


Re: L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:55 am
by mahyongg
OK, that's some info right there. Now these arguments are unweighted, and everybody's personal preference may differ, so I won't judge any of the points you made, although I find them all valuable for the discussion.

Just one thing: Bulkheads can be made quick-release too, just adding a strap similar to a PFD strap with a QR buckle on top of the BH to a multi-piece design, that makes the pieces break away once you pull it. Some people have done it.

I also don't paddle warm rivers (unlike you do) so even with warm weather, our water is always cold and I rarely ever put more under my drysuit pants in the winter (with snow outside, or rain) than in the summer. Obviously, again a question of where you are located, but one advantage of the bulkhead has a connection to this and that is: it's warmer, especially when it rains, than a strap setup, because your thighs are nicely encapsulated in heat-retaining minicell foam ;D

I was reminded of this when paddling sit & switch last weekend at 10°C and with cold rain.. once my pants were soaked it drew away heat really, really quick. I just wore my standard WW paddling outfit & layers :/

Re: L'edge Lite - “Guillaume-fitting”

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:55 pm
by the great gonzo
Good points there.
I have not seen many adjustable bulkhead systems, but none of them had any advantage over a strap system. Most of them had either, after a quick exit, many bits and pieces floating next to the boat or then one lost the ability to enter or exit quickly or they were so loose and flexible that they really compromises boat control.

I would love to see some pictures if quick release bulkheads that really work well. If anyone does have such pictures, please share!

I see your point about the added warmth of a bulkhead, that is definitely true and I do paddle probably in more varied temperatures than you, but when I dress to paddle always dress for the water, i.e. I dress so thgat I could easily jump into the water and stay in there for at least one hour in case I had to perform a rescue.