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Helmet advice

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:33 am
by jtodhun1
What types of things are important to look for in buying my first whitewater helmet. I borrowed friend's Shred Ready Tdub at ALF and I didn't like that the visor kept falling low across my vision. Is this common? Are the more expensive helmets that much better than the basic ones?

Re: Helmet advice

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:51 am
by truckeeboater
Most important aspects should be fit and level of protection afforded, not necessarily in that order. If it's a bomber helmet but doesn't fit well or is uncomfortable, then you're probably less likely to wear it. On the other hand, if it fits great, but is made of cheap, single layer plastic then it probably won't protect yer noggin worth a dam. Less important aspects to consider are style (visor/no visor, vents/no vents, color) and price. Some people balk at the idea of spending upwards of a few hundred dollars on a helmet, but is brain surgery going to be cheaper? Shop around, ask around, try on as many makes and models as you can get your hands on, ask LOTS of questions, and make an educated, well informed purchase. Worse case scenario is, you'll end up selling your not-too-used lid to someone else who'll be stoked that they too get top go play on the water.

Re: Helmet advice

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:22 pm
by Dave.E
It is generally accepted that the sweet protection rocker has the best protection. With the fit pads I've never heard of anyone not being able to get one to fit well.

I broke a shred ready super scrappy and got a rocker afterwards.

WRSI are also known as being really well made.

I'm sure there are others, but you cant go wrong with WRSI and sweet. But yea, try it on before buying.


Re: Helmet advice

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:01 pm
by Wendy
I had a bad hit with a concussion. Thank God I was wearing a Sweet Helmet. The after effects tools months to get over. I might not have recovered if it had been a lesser helmet. If you ever take a hard hit pull the liner away to see what damage there is. My helmet just looked badly scratched on the outside. On the inside it had multiple cracks.

Re: Helmet advice

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:58 pm
by hazardharry
gath :evil: