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C1 Insert Help

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:54 pm
by Dave.E
Hey Cboats. I need some help.

I've been spending a lot of time designing a C1 insert with the intent on making it commercially available...

I need a range of lengths to design around.
- If you have a kayak or converted C1, how far apart are your foam pillars?
- Is the factory bolt hole for foot rails before or after the bow foam pillar?


Re: C1 Insert Help

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:39 am
by Edl
Hello, I'm working on a dragorossi fish and the foam pillars are 28 inches apart. Since this is a playboat there is no mounting point for a foot plate. The kayak seat was mounted to the sidewalls of the boat (instead of next to the cockpit). The two holes on each sidewall are 16 inches apart and the first one is about 8 inches (eyeball measurement because my new outfitting is in the way) from the front foam pillar (closer to paddler). The holes are about 3.25 inches up from the hull. I'm going with a bulkhead system, so won't need the cross stabilizers, however I think a portable system with side to side stabilizing straps could work in this boat. I would imagine that riot kayaks are outfitted in pretty much the same way as dragorossi.