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How's your season so far?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 9:49 pm
by Einar
Thought I'd drive up to 4000' and check on the snow pack for the spring melt and runoff on the local rivers. Didn't bother bringing my skis, i don't have that kinda wax anyways.

How's the season out your way this year?

Mount Seymour Ski area, North Vancouver, B.C.

Re: How's your season so far?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:14 pm
by hazardharry
your invited to run the bbq or my shed. should -5 tuesday morning. the only water flowing is from the tap.

Re: How's your season so far?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:33 pm
by JimW
Main UK season runs October to April because we get most rain then, it's perishing most of the time and sometimes we have to deal with snow and ice instead of rain (although that tends to dry the rivers up pretty quick), but just considering 2015:

Well, it's been kind of windy so mostly kayak based so far, I did get the Ocoee out last Monday on the artificial course but I discovered last year that in high winds I just get blown against the walls or out of the eddies and we haven't had many calm days.
Mostly I've been playboating in my Glide, trying to nail cartwheels at a shallow spot where I need to miss the bottom or get blown out of the hole.
On Thursday we did some polo training, it was a bit windy, cold and rained for most of the 2 hours. We played no-pushing because taking a swim would have been serious and some of the guys reported their hands were still red and sore the next day. My biggest issue was the rain, I wear glasses and when they are covered in spots of water the floodlights scatter off the droplets and I lose the top half of my sight, which makes it kind of hard to keep track of the ball...
I also managed some sea kayaking on a calm day a couple of weeks ago.

This weekend we have C-boating meet in the Lake District, Eden on Friday and then see how we are doing for rain - there are some lake fed fall-back rivers so we should get something done each day.

Don't be jealous, you have to be insane to be paddler here :)

Re: How's your season so far?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:01 am
by milkman
Serious worries here in Oregon as well, Einar, about the whitewater in the bank. Our snow levels are 50% of normal or less. It's been a very warm February with temps in the 50s a lot of the time. We're hoping that March roars in like a lion and stays. I have yet to go telemarking this year ... though I certainly have been doing lots of paddling.

Re: How's your season so far?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 12:35 pm
by JimW
You guys will need to take up UK style paddling, the west slope is wet enough, you just need to get in tune with paddling when it rains instead of when the snow melts :)

To be honest I'm getting too old for going out in cold, wet, miserable conditions..... but that's how it is when you have a climate that never creates a long term snow pack :(

Re: How's your season so far?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:43 pm
by Riverken
I can promise you that in the Spring the White Mountains in New Hampshire will be glorious. Hop on over.