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Covert review

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 2:24 pm
by Mikey B
A huge thanks to Tommy and Marie for bringing the coverts up to the Slip this weekend for folks to try.
From all the initial postings on the covert, I was wondering if I'd like it as I kept reading about it's forgiving soft chines...but I liked the looks of it.
It is a very interesting hull. The best way I can describe it is that it has the attributes of a long boat I like while still having the attributes of a small boat I like. It is fast and tracks very well. Gives the feeling of paddling a longer boat on the flats. I think it is the easiest ferrying small boat I've paddled. One stroke ferrys were easy. It actually has enough of an edge to feel and use but not trippy at all. I couldn't fit in the outfitting all the butt was about an inch or more above the saddle...yet it was stable enough that I never felt like I would flip, great secondary stability. Feeling somewhat like a longer boat while paddling straight, it still felt like a small boat catching the smallest of eddies. It is very agile! Overall I was much more impressed than I perceived I would be. I love my Blink/stinkeye but when I get a short plastic boat this is most definitely at the top of my list. I think anyone who is looking at the shorter boats should try the Covert...I think you'll be quite impressed. Kudos to the designers...very nice boat!

Re: Covert review

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:28 pm
by RodS
Thanks for the review. Have you paddled a L'edge? How do they compare?

Re: Covert review

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 5:44 pm
by Paddle Power
Or have you paddled a Blackfly that you can compare it to such as the Option.

Re: Covert review

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:10 pm
by ian123
I have had a l'edge and an option.
It is completely unlike the option.
Carves and planes like a l'edge but quicker edge to edge and faster... and definitely a bit tippier. I sold my option and ordered a covert immediately after trying it.

Re: Covert review

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:16 pm
by Mikey B
I am a fan of the L'edge. The light version I like a lot. The Covert accelerates quickly but can keep on picking up speed. It feels surprisingly light on the water. I think the L'edge would be the better surfer. The Covert tracks easier...very easy to keep on line. They both are very stable with great secondary stability. I like both boats. They are both great designs. I'd definitely like more time in a Covert!
I haven't much time in an Option. I liked the feel of it but preferring the L'edge perhaps because it's more like my boat?

Re: Covert review

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 2:45 am
by FullGnarlzOC
next time your out - you'll have to do some surfing in it... ;) the boat was designed with attributes to make it a great surfer(and it is...very friendly and predictable edges for surfing). Best I can do is help people find a boat to try out. It is certainly an investment, so trying it out is the way to go. I have some to demo in PA, and I know some of the friendly folks around the US that have sure they would be willing a test paddle, especially if there is a 6 pack involved. ;)

Boats are coming soon.